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Tonight was leftover venison in gravy over mashed potatoes and leftover butter beans.
I didn't overbake them, they were very light in color and not hard at all.
We love that kielbasa supper Chocomouse.
We had fried cubed pork, rice & gravy and cooked carrots.
I made The Best Chewy Peanut Butter cookie recipe from the NoviceChef.
I got 19 big cookies and they stayed soft after baking.The electric company was putting up new poles and electric was off several hours so we went and picked up to go order from Cracker Barrell, when we got home electricty was on, thankful.
Grilled ham and cheese sandwich with fries.
My sourdogh came out nice.I halved the recipe again for two smaller loafs and one was was 17 oz.I kept one and gave one to my sister in law.
I have always used both yeasts the same...I do mix the active dry with water and a little sugar to make sure it's proofed and when the pandemic came I did as some said use less yeast but you had to wait longer on a rise.That's fine with me and I keep my yeast as Mike does in the freezer in a glass jar with tight lid.No more old yeast.
No cooking here tonight we went to a local seafood restaurant and had a wonderful shrimp supper.
I agree with you Mike on the vaping and marijuana use.
I stirred up another batch of sourdough,you know I'm not great with the scale.I dropped more starter than called for but knew I had to add more water before and this time too so it's all mixed up for a overnight rise . Will pan up and bake sometime tomorrow.The good thing about a scale it's less washing as everything is in one bowl.
Italiancook,thank you for the prayers for my husband ,after quitting for 6 months he has started back.Everytime I hear him cough I just want to shake my head.It is a strong addiction ,so glad I never smoked.Glad to see you posting again too!
I've swept three times ,damp mopped and vacuumed ,hope all the glass is gone.
Tonight we had chargrilled chicken breast,green beans and a baked sweet potato.
I made a cheese spread with 8 oz.cream cheese, a little onion powder, dash of Worcestershire , a teaspoon of pimentos and about 1/2 cup american cheese and black pepper and it tastes so good.Needed to use the cream cheese so took care of that.
Cleaned the coffee pot today and when I was getting it all wiped down I put the carafe on the counter and knocked the dang thing off.Glass shattered everywhere need I say more .So off to Khols to get a new one as the shipping and price of carafe was half as much as new one and I want it tomorrow morning.That glass was everywhere..when I went to cook the chicken tonight I found shards in a griddle I keep by my stove top that was 5 ft. away.
Thanks for the info Mike.
I enjoyed the read Aaron those people were blessed!
Yeah Mike when I make Brunswick Stew it's hard for me to make a little , I also put 3 qt.containers in the freezer today.My pot is a big one too.
Tonight we had meatloaf patties, macaroni and cheese sliced tomatoes and green butter beans.
Has anyone ever had hamburger meat that would not stay together?I buy 80-20 and it was previously frozen but it would not stay together.I had onion,peppers,oatmeal bread ,egg and seasoning etc.So I made 4 patties but when it baked it still fell apart when you'd stick your fork in it. Oh well we ate it anyway..