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Glad to hear others are having issues. Once upon a time, we liked Nathan's but they seem to have gone the way of others.
Len, if I ever make it to my nearest WF (1 ½ hours away), I'll have to try the 365 dogs - I like the house brand, most everything I've tried has been good.
I was off today so I made the paella. We enjoyed it. I used 2 tablespoons of olive oil to sauté the vegetables, added the beans in with the stock and tomatoes. And, yes it did take longer but then I was using a Dutch oven as I don’t have a big enough skillet.
We used eggplant straight from the garden and some of the last tomatoes. The bean plants are gone now so Will had to buy them at Harris Teeter. Arborio rice was on sale.
We can’t seem to find good hot dogs. Even brands we used to like aren’t good any more. I miss Kayem from up north. The make Fenway franks which are different (better) than Ballpark franks. I’ve been thinking about trying some of the higher end brands - we don’t eat them that often anyway.
I also miss Portuguese linguica and chorizo - easy to find around New Bedford.
Thank you janiebakes, it looks pretty simple. I look forward to trying it.
Janiebakes, your paella sounds delicious. Would you be willing to share your recipe? I've had a vegetarian one bookmarked for years, but it seems long-winded.
I meant to add a comment about Will's queso - we found a recipe that doesn't use velveeta but uses real cheese and evaporated milk. He's found that using melty cheeses like jack cheese, etc. works best. I think it also uses cornstarch instead of flour. It doesn't separate.
That's a good idea, Joan!
We're going to have our version of Arroz con Pollo - brown rice, grilled chicken, homemade queso sauce and assorted sautéed vegetables - I think Will's got onions, mushrooms and tomatoes.
We had grilled cheese with fresh garden tomatoes and avocado on Will's sourdough Saturday night.
Ike Sewell was a friend of my FIL and the story I heard was that he came back from the war with the pizza idea. My FIL had been asked to be an investor (I think in Uno) but declined. My understanding was that the dressing was really his wife’s recipe. But, I heard that many years ago from my husband. In the early 80s when Uno was expanding the Sewalls came and took them out to an opening in Florida in a limo. My husband was able to join them since he was visiting his parents. I can’t remember if I was in Winter Park packing the house or in Massachusetts, but I missed it nonetheless.
I have no idea where the truth lies.
Mike, FYI - one of my favorite breakfast proteins is Jimmy Dean’s turkey sausage patties.
Today, I oven-dried a couple of pounds of Roma tomatoes- now we have two jelly jars of them with olive oil in the fridge.
We had leftover eggplant Parmesan and froze two dinners’ worth for later. We also had some of my mom’s cucumber mousse that I made yesterday - a recipe that goes waaay back.
Today I made a slow cooker eggplant parmigian with eggplant from the garden. I made a few tweaks based on my notes from the first time I tried it. It still needs a little more work, but it’s still really good and we’ll have enough to freeze for a meal or 2.
We had BLTs with fresh sourdough, tomatoes, lettuce and kale from the garden, of course bacon and avocado. Mayo on the toast. They were perfect!
Will went to the garden last night and brought the last of the tomatoes 😢 there may be a few more - the squash bugs have gotten into the squash, so Saturday or Sunday we will go clean out those beds. The cucumbers, beans and eggplant are still going strong as well as the flowers.
we're trying to figure out if we have enough morning sun for vegetables here. ironically, we seem to have less morning sun right now than in the spring.
I made a recipe from WaPo for an Afghan grilled eggplant dish - eggplant and tomatoes from the garden with a garlicky yogurt sauce and fresh cilantro and mint. It was really good -fragrant and mild. We had leftover chicken from 2 nights ago.
Happy 4th everyone!
Will tried smash burgers on the baking steel on the grill last night and they came out really well. Thin patties, but still juicy. We used his toasted sourdough for buns and topped with fresh tomatoes and arugula and lettuce (from his indoor pots). We tried using his con quest sauce, but we think that sliced cheese would work better in this. Fresh beans from the garden and sweet potato fries rounded out the meal.
I finally had a chance read this article and I certainly agree with it. I have always struggled to make a good pie crust, so tend to stay away from it. I have made 2 good ones that I can think of and I know that they worked because I took my time, carefully followed directions so that I could handle them less and roll out lightly - I found that one problem I have is that my hands can tend to be too warm for the crust.
They do take a while to do well and I have always admired people who can "whip up a pie crust."