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Our trash collection company will give racoon-resistant bungee-type cords to secure the cans . . . free. We have to call and ask for them. They mail 2 or 3 to the house at a time. No charge. The extras are because they sometimes end up in the garbage truck when trash dumped in. They're easy to install and easy to remove the hook to thrown in bags.
skeptic7, your explanation of cutting a long quick bread is helpful to me. Thank you! I never thought of doing that. I like sticks. I cut foccacia into what I call soldiers. Sticks perfect for dipping into all the Italian soups I make. That reminds me:
BakerAunt, you were helpful when I was struggling to master KAF's recipe for foccacia. I did eventually "get" it right but didn't really like the flavor. I found a different foccacia recipe from I-don't-know-where that is thinner, an attribute I like better. I also didn't like its flavor.
It finally dawned in me that it might be I don't like the olive oil I've used for decades. It's the brand my mother-in-law used. The last time my husband went to Costco, I asked him to buy a Kirkland brand olive oil. He said they offer 3 Kirkland brands of it, so he just guessed which one to buy. This week, I made "My Favorite Foccacia" with the Kirkland EVOO, and I like the oil much better.
Mike, I appreciate the link you gave us. I printed the chart. I like charts -- I keep them next to my stove so I can easily reach for them when cooking or baking. The first chart you offered at your site that I keep handy is the can number sizes. I've only needed it once, which means I think it's useful. Never know when I'll again need to know how many ounces are in a specific can number. As I type this, it occurs to me that with shrinkflation, the information may be obsolete!
Speaking of shrinkflation: Four months ago and recently, I treated a relative to a Sam's shopping spree. Mike, is this my imagination: It seemed to me on the recent trip that package sizes were smaller, i.e. 6 cans to a pkg. as compared to 8 cans four months ago. It seemed to me that nuts were in the same size container but candy bars were in a smaller package. Could I be dreaming this?
Joan, I'm also going to try your technique with sweet corn when the farmer's market has it. In the meantime, we've enjoyed pre-shucked sweet corn from Sam's. It's so deliciously sweet, however, that I wonder if it's been innoculated somehow with a sugar solution. Regardless, it's a welcome relief to a winter without corn on the cob.
navlys, I made pizzelles 3 or 4 times a year until my pizzelle iron was lost in a move. I always used anise extract. At that time, it was sold in the grocery store section with other extracts. I don't know if grocery stores still carry the anise extract. I've never worked with the oil, so I can't advise you about that.
I never used a scoop. I placed a heaping tablespoon in the center of the iron, closed the lid, and often it'd seep out the edges. Made a mess, but I didn't care. I wanted perfectly formed pizzelles.
I'm not an expert, but maybe part of your problem is the recipe. My theory is that if something goes wrong repeatedly, it has to be the recipe's fault. Below is the pizzelle recipe I used. It came with the iron I purchased, and we think it's a winner winner chicken dinner recipe.
6 eggs
3-1/2 c. flour (I used Gold Medal or Pillsbury)
1-1/2 c. sugar
1 c. margarine (1/2 lb.) (I use butter)
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons anise or vanilla (I use anise extract)Don't use more than 1 cup margarine & DON'T use oil
Beat eggs, adding sugar gradually. Beat until smooth. Add cooled melted margarine & anise or vanilla. Sift flour & baking powder & add to egg mixture. Dough will be sticky enough to be dropped by spoon.
Yield: 30 - Put the pizzelles in a closed container (I use cookie tins) for a day or two to make the vanilla or anise flavor stronger.
Add the following ingredients to those in the recipe for regular pizzelles. Sift with the flour & add to egg mixture:
1/2 cup cocoa, an additional 1/2 cup sugar, an additional 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
Add 1 cup walnuts or pecans chopped fine to batter.
Joan, I send my sympathy and empathy to you. My prayer is that God will comfort you and heal your grief. 1 Peter 5:10.
I baked pancakes for the first time this morning. I used my go-to pancake recipe, (1-1/4 cup flour, 1-1/4 cup buttermilk) and added a diced banana. It was perfect amount of batter for my 1/4 sheet pan. I baked at 400*, because online recipes I checked used that temp. Took about 25 minutes to reach browning on top, but that length may have been the result of using the lower-middle rack instead of higher.
Baking these was wonderful. I didn't have to stand at one spot in front of the stove. While they baked, I cleaned up the kitchen & had a short rest. I'll definitely bake all future pancakes.
Mike, would you please explain to me the heat in an oven. Since hot air rises, and I am guessing the heat in my oven comes from the bottom, will a baker obtain quicker and better browning by raising the rack?
Joan, it's wonderful that your son and his wife made the trip. I'm glad you have assistance from friends and family. My prayers uplifted.
This is concerning, Mike, but thanks for letting us know.
I agree with you about the free shipping at Vermont Country Store, BakerAunt. I checked for shipping information on their website this morning. I thought they might have a breakdown by order cost, but they don't. They say to call or chat online to obtain shipping cost before placing order.
Mike has a good point about the small funnel. The Vermont Country Store mini-funnels nest, so I keep them near the edge of a top cupboard shelf. The problem that arises is that if my husband empties the dishwasher, he doesn't remember where the mini-funnel goes. He'll put it in a drawer -- any drawer. I solved this problem by pulling out the mini-funnel from the clean dishes before he empties the dishwasher. This way, it never ends up in a drawer.
BakerAunt, as I recall you have purchased from Tuesday Morning in the past. Perhaps you've read, as I have, that they're closing all their stores and going out of business. I wish this weren't so. My Tuesday Morning sold beautiful paper napkins with a variety of designs. I could always find some to complement the theme for church-related luncheons. Their napkins were so lovely that I never considered using linen napkins.
Thanks to BakerAunt finding the recipe for me, I'm making a double batch of the peanut butter cookies today. One batch to freeze the scooped dough for future baking.
Thanks, BakerAunt, for finding the recipe. It's such a keeper that I'm going to print 2 copies and keep it in two different binders. I appreciate your help!
Joan & Mike, do either of you have the correct name for the Allrecipes peanut butter cookies that Joan introduced to us. I misplaced my copy. When I searched Allrecipes, there are so many different peanut butter cookies that I couldn't find it. I want to bake those peanut butter cookies, but need the full name.
Joan, when my husband's and my son was 18, I received a call from his doctor's office.
"Your son has kidney disease," the receptionist said.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"That your son has kidney disease," she repeated.We hung up. I had only a few seconds to process this bad news when the phone rang again. It was my mentor/professor from college. I relayed the previous conversation to him. He said not one word. We sat on the phone, neither of us saying anything. After 20 minutes, I knew I wasn't alone with the sad news.
"Thank you," I said, and we hung up without saying good-bye.
Joan, I'm sitting in silence with you, and I'm praying for comfort, strength, and peace for you.
Glad he's going to the doctor, Joan. I hope you receive better news than you're expecting.