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  • in reply to: What are you Baking the week of December 6, 2020? #27723

      I like the idea of donut day. Are there Jewish Donut recipes?

      in reply to: What are you Baking the week of December 6, 2020? #27722

        I used to use potato flakes instead of potato flour. Its the same by weight, but by volume 2 tbsp potato flour = 1/4 cup potato flakes. When I found I could get BRM potato flour easily at the store, I stopped using potato flakes; it took up less space in the freezer and was easier to measure.

        in reply to: What are you Baking the week of December 6, 2020? #27697

          Has anyone made any Springele (sp), I received a rolling pin and a soft mat as presents. I'm assuming that these are meant to be used together.

          in reply to: What are you Baking the week of December 6, 2020? #27693

            Have you eaten the Porridge as Porridge? What was that like?
            Its nearly Xmas and I'm not ready to do any seasonal baking. I'm thinking about maple oatmeal bread, and pumpkin biscotti and apple bread which seem more like November than December recipes.
            I did cheese pizza yesterday.

            in reply to: What are you Cooking the Week of December 6, 2020? #27691

              Yesterday I had a Parsnip-Carrot soup which I had made the day before. It was a fairly simple recipe and I ran through a food mill twice to get a creamy texture. It was wonderful. I was surprise as it had very few spices, and looked so bland and unappetizing with whole pieces of white potato and white onion and white parsnips, there were some pieces of orange carrot but that didn't dispell the overall blandness. But it came out a pleasant light orange out of the food mill and it had a wonderful slightly sweet taste. I ate it with my basic cheese pizza.

              in reply to: What are you Cooking the Week of December 6, 2020? #27646

                I do an overnight soak of beans before cooking them. I am trying to reduce the amount of salt, so I don't add salt to the water.
                Did you have hot dogs in your black bean soup? That used to be de Rigor when I had it in cafeterias.

                in reply to: What are you Cooking the Week of November 29, 2020? #27631

                  I remember the Butternut Squash, Kale and Cheese tart from last year and the original recipe too. Did you use red onions? Thats a special purchase for me, I normally have only yellow onions on hand. I don't have good luck prebaking crusts, I find it very messy and apt to break.

                  in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 29, 2020? #27630

                    The Maple Oat soda bread sounds great especially the glaze.

                    All the cinnamon rolls are making me envious.

                    I did a double patch of Pumpkin-maple-ginger cornbread to give away. It came out well and I hope everyone liked it.

                    in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 29, 2020? #27590

                      I did pumpkin cornbread with maple syrup, and flavored with dried ginger and candied ginger. Its a combination of cornbread and gingerbread with maple syrup instead of molasses. I was afraid it would be too bland but it is very tasty with pronounced ginger flavor and just a hint of sweetness. I'll try making a double batch tomorrow to give away.

                      in reply to: Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup #27525

                        Chocomouse, I used your maple syrup for cooking a butternut squash yesterday. Delicious!

                        in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of November 22, 2020? #27524

                          I roasted a chicken for Thanksgiving, with rice stuffing. Mushroom giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, and butternut squash with onions and maple syrup. In order to deal with the important part of Thanksgiving first, I started the day by baking and eating individual apple crisp before cooking anything else. I was planning on several other dishes including broccoli, and gingered chickpeas, and pickles but luckily ran out of energy before starting them. As it is I am going to be eating leftovers for days. The idea of baking a full Thanksgiving meal for one overtook my common sense. I was contemplating a turkey but realizes before that idea got fixed into my head that I don't have enough spare freezer space. The extra bags of flour is crowding my freezer.

                          in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 22, 2020? #27522

                            I did three individual apple crisps which were just great. Its been a long time since I made these. Ate one yesterday warm with ice cream, and another one for breakfast today.
                            I was thinking of making more pumpkin cornbread but didn't have time.

                            in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of November 15, 2020? #27463

                              I did a Cornmeal Herb Focaccio on Wednesday. This is the same recipe that I did last year for Thanksgiving. It has 1 cup cornmeal and 3 cups All Purpose Flour. There is 1 tsp of Rosemary, 2 tsp sage and 1/2 tsp thyme. It came out very well, light and airy. I feel a little bad that I couldn't make this out of whole wheat flour, but when I tried with whole wheat flour three years ago it was very heavy and flat.

                              in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of November 15, 2020? #27437

                                The Chocolate Cherry scones were great. Maple walnut does sound good, maybe I can try that next. Made the scones last night. I heard back from my friend, she really like the cheddar cheese bread.

                                in reply to: Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup #27436

                                  chocomouse, thanks for the information. I'll get a new funnel and do this on one of the cold winter days. I have a candy thermometer so I can get the temperature correct.

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