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  • in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of October 25, 2020? #27202

      Thanks Mike. See, I was off on the volume to weight measurement and I was looking at the chart!

      I'll have to figure out volume to weight for this recipe on my own!

      It teaches me that when someone gives me a recipe I need to pay attention to how old it is. I should go look in my KAF BIG BOOK of BAKING to see how it says to measure flour.

      in reply to: Bread Ingredients and Tools #27200

        BA and her traveling bakery! FANTASTIC.

        I've subbed in OO for other low gluten flowers when I did not have them like pastry flour but it was usually more expensive so I did not do that often. My OO was Caputo and it was a bit over a dollar a pound.

        I found RdB at a place called Camas Country. It is a bit over a dollar a pound and they 2.5 and 25 pound bags. The 25 size was sold out.

        The one they have is high gluten at 15% so it would not be good for OO uses.

        I have one dough bucket and I love it. It is great for beginners or testing a new recipe when you really want to know how much something has risen. And it's lighter than my bowls. I think mine is 8 quarts and it came from KAF because we were at the store and I had credit. If I buy more I will not buy them from KAF because I can find them for less elsewhere and I know what I want.

        I also have a square plastic bin I bought for marinating brisket that I bought before I realized how big a brisket really is. It is way to small for that but handles five pounds of dough very nicely. It doesn't have any of the measures but once I know what to look for in a rise it works very nicely.

        I did NOT get my 10 quart mixer for my birthday so I am still using bowls and spoons and scrapers.

        in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of October 25, 2020? #27195

          Hello. Sorry for going silent for a while. I made sourdough sandwich bread. Shaping it with more care as well as blocking the fan has helped. I am working on batards as well as sandwich loaves. My last batard came out more like a baguette.

          I also figured out my chocolate cake problem. I went back to the beginning of the book and it was old enough that the method of measuring was to scoop and level. I was filling and leveling so I had significantly less flour. I measured the right way and the cake layers were two of the prettiest I have ever made! And then my wife had me cut it into bite size pieces so people could take them from a platter... I offered to make brownies instead but she didn't want that because then we would have had cake AND brownies. The cake was originally for my book club which was postponed because of bad weather.

          So when looking at a recipe it matters when it was from and what the method of measuring is. I wonder when it changed and why it changed. Also when KAF or some other place gives generalized volume to weight conversions (4.5 ounces for a cup of bread flour) which method of measuring are they assuming for volume?

          in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of October 18, 2020? #27021

            Do you know a way to make English muffins w/out muffin rings?

            in reply to: Article Explaining Preferments #27020

              This is really interesting.

              I know how to treat my starter to generate the smell/taste I like.

              For example - feeding it twice a day gives it a nice sweet, boozey smell. That matters more than how much I feed it.

              Also we were just away for the weekend and it came out of the refrigerator and has shown a lot of growth after its first feeding.

              But the length of my rise also affects the flavor. Keeping something if the refrigerator for more or less time greatly affects the flavor of the final product.

              My main sourdough bread is lean with no added sugar. I usually give the sponge about 12 hours and then 24 for the dough in the refrigerator with several stretches/kneads over several hours at room temp followed by a final couple hour rise after it's been shaped in the oven with the oven light on.

              I might try to let it rise longer in the refrigerator (it doesn't really rise much there) and also try a shorter rise on the counter. What I like about rises in the refrigerator and in the oven is that the temp is more controlled than on the counter which can be as high as 77 in the summer and as low as 64 in the winter.

              in reply to: Pain-DoughLorian #27014

                Sorry... It's a Star Wars character in a series on Disney+ streaming.

                It's okay. Sometimes really good and sometimes slow.

                Mike, you might lose some nerd cred for not knowing!

                in reply to: British vs. American Self-Rising Flour #27007

                  It's funny. When my Welsh friends moved here they bought AP flour expecting it to be like their "regular" flour which of course, it was not. Lots of flat cakes.

                  FWIW I have used KAF bread flour for biscuits and scones for about 15 years. I have pastry flour and keep meaning to try it but haven't. I have to make scones tomorrow so maybe I'll try it then.

                  in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of October 11, 2020? #27006

                    Hi - Thanks for the upside down turkey roaster idea. I'm not sure it is deep enough but I have some in the basement that I'll test. The bread pan on it's side works pretty well. I just have to do a better job shaping.

                    Mike - thanks for suggesting the BBGA forum to see if anyone has a line on a tech. It's a little frustrating to have spent as much as we spent on this thing and be deserted by both the store who sold it AND the manufacturer.

                    I really miss the Garland. It was so simple it was elegant and even I could figure it out.

                    in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of October 11, 2020? #26908

                      I made two loaves of sourdough sandwich bread. I did block the fan which helped the blow out some. Also I did a lousy job shaping one of the loaves and it shows in the finished product. I guess I was rushing.

                      I put together another batch of crackers which I'll bake tonight or tomorrow morning I guess.

                      I sympathize with you CM. One of our ovens is down and the store that sold it does not service them, none of the dealers on the manufacturers website will service it because we did not buy it from them, and the manufacturer won't do anything to help. I even asked if they would have their support line walk me through it but they can only help certified oven technicians. Ugh.

                      in reply to: Whole Wheat Sourdough Cheese Crackers #26907

                        The response from my wife was "I don't think that will fit on the counter..." πŸ™

                        Violet wants to give me a movie theater popcorn popper (which I asked for years ago) and that was also nixed.

                        I figured if Violet asked for that first the mixer would seem reasonable.

                        And I just received my first 50lb bag of flour. This baking stuff is hard work!

                        in reply to: Whole Wheat Sourdough Cheese Crackers #26879

                          I have another batch cooling right now. I did ask for a 10 quart mixer for my birthday. But I do not think it's in the cards.

                          in reply to: Whole Wheat Sourdough Cheese Crackers #26862

                            400 g of BA's crackers yesterday morning at 8:00 am.

                            As of 6:30 am today - two crackers...

                            Plus 600 g of the 800+ g loaf of challah I baked.

                            And they are both skinny! It's just not fair. πŸ™‚

                            in reply to: British vs. American Self-Rising Flour #26852

                              One more thing - webstaurantstore.com has 55 lbs. of Caputo 00 flour for $35+$12 shipping (to Hartford). YMMV.

                              in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of October 4, 2020? #26850

                                I do not know what we will do for Thanksgiving yet. I am hoping that the schools go full time online at Thanksgiving so we can quarantine for a couple weeks and see my in-laws at Christmas.

                                I've made four loaves of sourdough sandwich loaf this week - two using a pan as a convection shield and two without. The panless loaves have higher oven spring and a big blowout. The blocked loaves have are shorter and have smaller blowout.

                                I just took a braided pan loaf of challah out of the oven. I want to experiment with it some more. It looks like some of the braids aren't sticking in loaf form.

                                And before that I made a batch of BA's crackers.

                                And this is with one oven down!

                                in reply to: British vs. American Self-Rising Flour #26849

                                  We have 00 flour at Whole Foods and Big Y. Haven't priced it at Big Y but it's $5 for a two pound bag at WF. Online I've found a 55 lb bag for as low as $30. Shipping is about $15.

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