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  • in reply to: What are you baking the week of February 3, 2019? #14743

      Skeptic, that is what the instructor at KAF told us: they are supposed to be gummy, damp on the inside, and can be fork-split and eaten as soon as they come out of the oven -- after toasting of course - to get rid of the gumminess. We also made crumpets, which she said should be "wet" inside! You are right - more peanut butter and jelly!

      in reply to: What are you Baking the week of February 10, 2019? #14736

        I made two loaves using KAF's Super 10 Blend and the recipe on the bag.

        in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of February 10, 2019? #14735

          To use up some leftovers, we had quesidillas for dinner tonight - green peppers, onions, tomatoes, black olives, thin sliced pork, salsa, Monterey Jack and pizza blend cheese. Not quick and easy, with all the prep and standing at the stove, but tasty and warmed up the kitchen on a cold and snowy night. We've got a prediction of 12 inches.

          in reply to: What are you baking the week of February 3, 2019? #14729

            That's interesting about the holes forming during kneading. I frequently hear and read that kneading puts air into the dough which makes the bread rise! My response is "then why would you bother to use yeast?" I've been told that a wetter dough yields bigger holes, and if I'm not following a recipe exactly, I do use more liquid. This recipe made a very soft dough, I don't recall the hydration. I wouldn't let my muffins rise longer - they went from a 1/2 inch "patty" to over 2 inches tall, in one hour. I suspect that is about max for rise time. The ones we made in the class at KAF only rose to about one inch, in a proofing oven, for about an hour, maybe a little less.

            in reply to: What are you baking the week of February 3, 2019? #14726

              Mike, I've used the recipe in BBA and it was OK, but no big holes -- which is my goal! I've also made both the batter and the dough versions of English muffins. I prefer the dough, but still use the rings because that makes them look more "perfect"! It also helps to flip them without deflating. I'm happy with how this batch turned out. Next batch l'l try cinnamon-raisin.

              in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of February 3, 2019 #14723

                We had southern style pork ribs cooked on the smoker, with whole kernal corn and spinach salad.

                in reply to: What are you baking the week of February 3, 2019? #14717

                  Today I baked English muffins, using the recipe we used in my class at KAF 2 weeks ago. I made a couple of small changes: I used white whole wheat instead of AP for one cup of flour, and buttermilk instead of regular milk; I also made 8 muffins instead of 9 because that is what will fit on my built-in griddle. They came out great!! They rose twice as high as the ones we made at KAF! Much lighter, same good flavor. I had a little trouble finding the right temp on the griddle, as it is labeled 1-10, not in degrees F. The thermometer said 200* but I think the insides should have been cooked a little more, they were a tiny bit gummy. I've noted the cooking temps, and will make some adjustments next. My only disappointment is that they are not very holey - and that is the same problem I've always had with my English muffins. Oh well, they still taste better than store-bought.

                  in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of February 3, 2019 #14706

                    Joan, they are delicious! The recipe is on the KAF website, except I add green olives to the cheesy filling. I'm going to try to upload a photo:

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                    in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of February 3, 2019 #14703

                      Tonight I roasted sliced Kielbase, chunks of potato, carrots, onions, peppers, and served with crusty gruyere-olive rolls and a spinach salad.

                      in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of February 3, 2019 #14694

                        No cooking here, just heating up leftovers: tomato soup and mushroom-spinach stromboli.

                        in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of February 3, 2019 #14688

                          We had breakfast for dinner: ham, cheddar, and veggies omelet with home-made English muffins.

                          in reply to: What are you baking the week of February 3, 2019? #14687

                            Today I made a lemon-zucchini coffeecake, using some of the shredded garden zucchini in my freezer. This has lemon juice powder from KAF in the cake and also in the streusel. If you love a strong lemon flavor, I highly recommend this powder, expensive as it is. It out=performs any of the lemon oils I've ever used, or lemon juice and zest.

                            in reply to: What are you baking the week of February 3, 2019? #14677

                              I made the Buckwheat and Mushroom Stromboli from the KAF site. The filling was delicious, but I didn't care for the dough. It was so soft and tender, and very difficult to work with. It has bread flour, buckwheat, and spelt flour, which should make it tender, but I tore big holes in it as I shaped it, although I knew it needed special handling. I also didn't like the feel of the soft dough in my mouth, and am not too crazy about the flavor. I will use the filling recipe again, but make a different dough. I'm thinking to use my pizza dough, with some semolina to give it some "chew", or maybe an unsweetened dough for a braided savory loaf. The filling would also make a great pizza topping!

                              in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of February 3, 2019 #14676

                                I made another batch of tomato soup using my usual recipe, from jej on the old baking circle. I love it because I don't have to measure exactly, just some of this and some of that and it turns out delicious every time. I also made a stromboli to go with it, and will talk about that on the baking thread. Oh, I made this into a special super bowl meal by drinking a margarita with it!

                                in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of January 27, 2019? #14668

                                  Thank you Joan, I will try that and have put pimentos on my grocery list. I have about a dozen recipes in my file! Like Mike, I like the kind made by Kraft, but we can find those in the stores only during the the Nov-Dec holiday season.

                                  Our dinner tonight was chicken thighs with Herbs de Provence, baked potatoes, asparagus from the freezer, and green salad. Later on, I'm going to eat one of the Special K bars I made the other day,

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