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Maybe I'll have to spring for an infrared.
Could be over beating. I usually do the final mix after adding the melted chocolate by hand. My mixer does not do a great job stirring up from the bottom. But I mixed it by some with the mixer then up from the bottom by hand.
Just have to try again next week.
Thanks Mike. Definitely old baking soda. I didn't realize baking soda had a shelf life. I almost threw away the box and opened a new one. Once I open the new pack I'll date it and make sure to use it quickly. More cookies and cakes I guess.
No baking powder in the cake and I opened my current can last Sunday. I don't think I over beat it but could be.
Oven temp is weird. It is 345 which I cannot guarantee without a thermometer and mine bit the dust and I haven't replaced it.
Violet thanked me for making the cake and I apologized to Violet for the way it looked. Violet said "I don't care as long as it tastes good."
The layers are freezing and I'll put the ice cream in and frost it tomorrow. I should be able to hide the fallen center.
I made three chocolate cake layers and they all collapsed in the middle. I'm wondering if I over-filled the pans. It will probably still taste good. I never make cakes anymore. Need to practice!
Mike and Len, both your breads are beautiful. I've made braided challahs in pans because I wanted/needed the braid but wanted to be able to slice it for sandwiches too.
I made whole wheat bread yesterday while I am rebuilding my starter.
My wife ate a grilled cheese my son made yesterday on sourdough from Saturday and liked it. Go figure...
I did not get to my cake so I'll have to start it today. It's to be a chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream and a layer of ice cream between the layers of cake. I am not sure how I am going to make this yet but I figure if I freeze the layers and soften the ice cream it should be spreadable. Then refreeze the whole thing and frost it.
Wasn't sorbitol a low calorie sweetener for a while? I think Orbit gum used (still uses?) it.
Skeptic, it takes me half an hour to 45 minutes to make the pancakes. I usually have six going at once (although my griddles is dying). Sheet pancakes might take the same amount of time but would be less effort as I could just pop them in the oven as a opposed to tending the griddle.
BA, I pack the pancakes into freezer bags, one dozen per bag, and put them in the freezer. I have one son who eats pancakes every day until there gone. Most weeks I don't run out until Friday or Saturday. His big brother usually does not eat them for breakfast but sometimes will eat some late at night.
I made three dozen pancakes this morning. Two dozen remain and only two out of five people ate any. I think I am definitely ready for sheet pan pancakes.
Went to Whole Foods yesterday for the first time in three months. They had KAF WWW in plastic bags with twist ties on the top. Must be having some packaging challenges. But they had the flour.
I made sourdough on Friday. I made a two pound loaf which seems to be the right amount for my pans and then five 3 oz rolls. But the rolls came out rounder and I would rather they be flatter like sandwich rolls so the shaping will take more work.
Then I went to feed my starter today and both jars were moldy on top. π I dumped about 20 ounces of starter out, pulled out a clean jar and am starting from scratch. Not sure why it molded. Maybe I need to start refrigerating it. I put it in a clean jar twice a week. I wonder how fast I can build up a new starter. I started with two ounces of whole wheat flour and two ounces of water.
Looks like I'll be making whole wheat bread for a while until I build up my starter.
It;s funny. Someone just sent me a recipe like this this week. I think it's Bob's Red Mill. I can definitely see the attraction of popping a sheet pan into the oven instead of standing in front of the griddle. I may try this next week.
The crackers were gone by early afternoon. I left them out on a sheet pan and both my boys liked them. Plus my wife kept eating them even though she didn't like them. I liked the biscuit cutter crackers to the pizza cutter crackers so I'll do that for the whole batch next time. Also thanks for the tip on oils BA. While they were still sour the neutral oil mellowed them. And they are a quick, easy way to use up some starter when I have discard.
Interesting. Powdered buttermilk is my one standard ingredient I cannot find now. I use Saco and have not seen it or any other variety around. I'll probably have to switch to the liquid stuff. Powdered is more convenient and cost effective.
But, Ms. Parks said she reconstituted it which is not what Saco calls for. Saco says to add the powder to the dried ingredients and then add the liquid to the dry.
It does give me nice, fluffy pancakes and high rise scones. It works well in my English muffins too. But I am not sure how they will compare to buttermilk since I have not done her testing. But now is the time to test.
I made sourdough bread Sunday
I also tried to make a 'smores pizza. That was a mess but I learned a lot and will try again. First my pizzas have almost no lip on the crust edge. I need that to keep the marshmallows on the crust.
I need to par-bake the crust first.
I put marshmallows on the edge and then in. I need to start at the center and add them out leaving a lot of room for expansion.
Most of the mess was contained on the parchment but I did have to clean my stone and peel a little.
This morning I made sourdough crackers.
With the crackers I used a mix of butter and canola oil. They still have a strong sour taste so it must be my starter. I will either need to come up with a milder starter or a cracker without it.
I cut one set with a pizza cutter and one with a square biscuit cutter. I like the biscuit cutter look better.