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I just used my standard recipe. I use
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/3 cup pastry flour
1/2 cup flax meal
1/3 cup chickpea flour
2 tbls baking powder
2 tbls sugar
1 tbl baking soda
1/2 tsp saltI added 8 tbls powdered KAF dry bakers milk instead of buttermilk powder
2 2/3 cup milk
2 eggs
2 tbls melted butterI looked at BRM's website to see their oven temp and timing: 425 for 20 minutes. My were done a little sooner.
They were like a cake and flatter around the edge which was probably a quarter inch up to 1/2 to 3/4 inch.
I added chocolate chips because Violet asked for them and gave me puppy dog eyes.
Thumbs up from my kids.
I made sheet pan pancakes. SO MUCH EASIER! I may never go back!
It's weird. It looks like cake but tastes like pancakes.
I've made KAF's baked doughnuts and they are a huge hit.
Mike, I am with you on Voodoo Doughnuts. We found another place but I do not remember what it was. Krispy Kremes are only good if they are fresh and hot. We have a place here called Donut Crazy that is okay. The owner is a very nice man but I am just not a fan of the over done over-the-top doughnuts. Like hamburgers and cupcakes chefs have wrecked doughnuts. Give me a simple chocolate glazed any day.
Clearly I am going to have to learn how to fry doughnuts! I started baking doughnuts for some friends who wanted to open a doughnut shop. But they dropped their plans before I started working on frying them. But I'll start now.
I made pancakes again and again without buttermilk, powdered or otherwise.
But I do have KAF special bakers' milk powder and tried that. The pancakes did not rise higher. But I think I need to add more of the powder. With Saco powdered buttermilk the instructions say to add a tablespoon per quarter cup of liquid. I'll try that this week.
What seems to make the biggest difference in the loft of the pancakes is the thickness of the batter. The batter always puffs up it's just a matter of how long it holds it. And if it's too thick then the batter doesn't spread on the griddle. So like most things baked having the right level of hydration is key. And with pancakes this changes over time as the baking soda reaction dissipates. And each time I stick the scoop in to collect batter it degases it a little. So the last pancakes are always flatter than the first.
I wonder if I mixed the batter in a pitcher and poured it what effect that would have.
You're both right. I just remember what was and miss it. I still remember the first time I walked into their store when they only had one on Pine St in Seattle. And every inch of space was filled with stuff that was so cool.
Even KAF is not what they were. They seem to focus on selling wholesale or selling mixes. I hear they are going to start featuring Marmite as the new hit ingredient making its way to the US. π
Chocolate was big part of pe-Colombian American culture and was for more than cooking and eating. It was used in religious rituals and as a means of exchange, at least according to the Chocolate Museum in Barcelona. So perhaps that is what they mean.
Coffee was hugely important in the history of Europe because it was safe to drink without being alcoholic. So Europe became sober with the introduction of coffee.
Sad news this morning. Sur La Table is going out of business.
Chapt. 11 means they could reorganize and stay open. I still remember them having one shop in Pike Place Market that was PACKED with cool gear I had never seen before.
When I started buying parchment it was $.10 sheet at a really cool store in Seattle which I highly recommend if you ever find yourself there.
Apparently they even have a website now! Greil had just taken over the store from her mom and was amazingly helpful and patient with fledgling bakers and highly regarded by the best bakers and pastry chefs in the city.
I stopped using wax paper because the parchment was cheap enough because I used half sheets and I had one less thing in my kitchen drawers.
Now I buy it at a restaurant supply store for about $.07 a full sheet and $.035 per half. So it's cheap enough. But I buy 10,000 sheets at a time and it lasts for a few years (I am actually running low now).
You can buy it online for about half the price but the shipping is high enough that any savings is erased plus I'd rather support my local stores.
But if you have to buy it in small quantities from places like KAF it is pretty spendy.
Still not sure how the price compares to parchment. Maybe I'll do the per inch math sometime.
I looked up marmite recipes and there are tons of them. Buzzfeed has 15 alone and they are not even a cooking site. Not all of their links work. Their marmite buttercream (you read that right) points to a list of healthful recipes that does not appear to have the promised frosting.
I did find such a recipe here.
I stopped buying wax paper when I started using parchment. When do you use one versus the other?
My grandmother used to put breads in brown paper bags and warm them in the oven by the heat of the pilot light but our pilot light oven is long gone.
I made whole wheat sourdough crackers morning. First sourdough attempt since I had to make a new starter. They're pretty good but the starter probably needs another couple days of maturing. I'll see how fast my boys eat them.
I made pizza last night. I left the dough a little wetter than usual and, accidentally, it came up to room temp. I usually have it a little chilled. But my wife told me at 3:00 that I was making pizza so I just put the cheese and dough on the counter and the dough was warm and puffy when I used it.
Hi Skeptic. I almost made sheet pan pancakes this weekend but went the old-fashioned route.
I put them in the microwave. If I am really fussy I'll wrap them in a paper towel and put them in the microwave as this softens them better than just on a plate. But my middle eats them so fast he barely chews them. And now he is making them himself.
Waffles I put in the toaster but I haven't made those in a while.
Really? There is enough demand for marmite that there is a shortage.
Made two loaves of whole wheat as I am still building a new starter. The whole wheat is eaten when there is no sourdough. I think I am overproofing it as I don't get any oven spring and it has a flat top. But it has a good crumb, texture, and taste.
Well, it was not under done and the center was not particularly dense. The toothpick came out clean and I thought if anything it might be over baked. But it wasn't.
Just my day for a bad bake.
But Violet was very happy. She said it was everything she wanted plus 10. And at the end of the day that's what matters. I made a ganache for icing/frosting (not sure what the difference is). But it was reversed from the way I usually make ganache. I melted the chocolate then added it to the milk. This used evaporated milk instead of cream. It also calls for using unsweetened chocolate and adding sugar. I've mixed in some semi sweet chocolate and reduced the sugar. I think it gives it a better mouth feel.
I did not make an ice cream layer but I'll do that another time.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Thanks BA. The pans might have been too full. I have a tendency to do that.
Too many thinks to try. Lots of cake to bake. as you say, the horrors!
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by