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I have enough pizza dough for 2 more pizzas but decided to change it up a bit, I'm making chicken veg soup and will have it with a burger.
I had a pizza topped with sliced stuffed pepper and onion.
Flour measurements can drive a person batty. KAF says a cup weighs 4.25 oz, America's Test Kitchen says 5 ounces. If you're an experienced bread maker and making bread it doesn't matter, you can adjust by sight and feel. But if your making a quick bread, cake, cookies etc it's not so easy. The thing is, you don't know what weight was used in developing the recipe.
Today I made a batch of wheat/semolina/rye buns (measured by weight!). Since it's so cold outside, I thought the next couple of days would be good pizza days so I'm in the process of making a small batch of pizza dough. It's about 470 grams and I'm undecided whether to divide it into 2 or 3 pizzas. I have time to figure it out.
I'm having a leftover stuffed pepper, rice and brussels sprouts.
I made stuffed peppers and had one with a double baked potato and green beans.
Tonight I roasted a pork tenderloin and had it with pasta and broccoli.
That's a real nice looking cake, Joan!
I made a little chicken veggie soup and had it with a burger.
Great looking loaves, Chocomouse!
I tend to pay attention to best use by dates. Maybe I'm being scammed by it, I dunno, but I figure better safe than sorry.
Interesting question but isn't it already banned in Europe? What are they using as a substitute?
I took some rotisserie chicken out of the freezer and am having it with a baked potato and broccoli.
I made a vanilla cake from a box mix. I subbed milk for the water, Greek yogurt for half of the oil and added a rounded tablespoon of flax seed meal (hydrated in an ounce of water) to give it a little fiber (that makes it a health food). I was going to make a simple chocolate frosting but found all my powdered sugar was very much past it's best use by date (I had 2 bags, one older than the other). But I have plenty of chocolate chips on hand so I made a chocolate ganache from some semi sweet chips, added a pinch of instant (decaf) coffee crystals to it. Topped it with shredded coconut. It all came out pretty good.
That sounds like a real nice meal, BA. I haven't had black-eyed peas in a long time.
Tonight, I had turkey with gravy over a baked potato.
I made a little chicken veg soup and had it with turkey.
I'm making a batch of semolina/rye/wheat buns. Just waiting for them to rise and then into the oven.