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  • in reply to: How are the 2018 Gardens Progressing? #13114

      Mike, I would think not! But he was inside the electric fence, and sprayed outward-- no veggies outside the fence, just grass. I would not eat anything that I suspected had been sprayed. The odor dissipated after an hour or so

      in reply to: What are You Cooking the Week of July 29, 2018? #13106

        That does sound good, BakerAunt! Last night I made pizza, and today I fixed a tortellini and veggie salad.

        in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of July 29, 2018? #13105

          I spent a week in Maine and came home eager to get back in the kitchen. I made a loaf of sandwich bread using KAF's Harvest Grains; a batch of oatmeal cookies with coconut, walnuts, chocolate chips, and craisins; and today I made a blueberry "cake" that is more like a cheesecake than a flour cake, although a pretty bad cheesecake. I got the recipe out of the local newspaper about 30 years ago, but I see now that the recipe is in KAF's recipes, called "Berries and Cream Cake". It is very good, quick and easy to make, and uses up two quarts of berries. I'm going to try it with raspberries when our fall crop is ripe.

          in reply to: How are the 2018 Gardens Progressing? #13104

            Gardening is not progressing so well. We ate 2 tomatoes - delicious! We are picking blueberries and blackberries. We now have an electric fence around all the veggies, and we have a video of a skunk getting zapped, "getting even" by spraying the wire, but thus getting zapped again, and finally running out the same way he came in. We have 2 very small zucchinis and 2 very small summer squashes now, quite a few small, green bell peppers, and 5 cabbages. I've bought zucchini for the first time in my life. We've had 1/4 inch of rain so far today and it is supposed to rain for the next 24 hours; that would help a lot.

            in reply to: grass fed beef #13088

              Has anyone tried Wagyu beef? I don't know if it is grass-fed or not; a farm near here is now raising the Japanese beef and selling to local meat markets. They say the marbling is 20%, compared to more typical beef that is 8%, and it is higher in Omega 3 and 6. The price is also higher!! $43 a pound for strip steak that is typically $18-$23/lb, and $10 for hamburg that is typically around $5.50. It will be a while before I buy that.

              in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of July 22, 2018? #13019

                I made Wheat-Oat-Flax Buns -- our new go-to bun recipe.

                in reply to: What are You Cooking the Week of July 15, 2018? #13015

                  Not much cooking happening with this heat, but we have rain and storms predicted for every day next week, starting after midnight tonight. Tonight we had burgers on the grill, and yesterday morning before the temps went up I made salads: pasta-veggies, seafood, cole slaw, tossed green salad, and olive rolls from the freezer.

                  in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of July 15, 2018? #13014

                    I made blueberry muffins and added a tablespoon of lemon juice powder and sprinkled the tops with crystalized sugar before baking.

                    in reply to: What are You Cooking the Week of July 15, 2018? #13001

                      Chicken thighs on the grill, with the last of the broccoli salad, a Greek style salad with tomatoes, cukes, and onion, and a green salad from the garden.

                      in reply to: Blueberries and Science #13000

                        How about rum, for mojitos? I picked blueberries today for the first time this season. Last week they were extremely tart and not very flavorful. These are much better, but they will be even sweeter next week. I have one variety, Earliblue, which is sweeter and more flavorful than my other varieties. One variety is very sweet, but has no flavor! I always pick from several bushes, so that I get a mix of varieties. You might find, Baker Aunt, that the next berries from that farm are sweeter than the ones you got this week.

                        in reply to: What are You Cooking the Week of July 15, 2018? #12986

                          We had breakfast sausage links and blueberry pancakes with maple syrup, the "dark and robust" grade. Yummy. I use the KAF recipe for Simply Perfect Pancakes, but use buttermilk instead of milk, and add a tablespoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of vanilla. I use the sugar and not the malted milk powder option.

                          in reply to: What are You Cooking the Week of July 15, 2018? #12974

                            Dinner tonight was salmon and potatoes cooked on the smoker, with broccoli salad.

                            in reply to: How are the 2018 Gardens Progressing? #12973

                              In addition to using dried banana peels, I dry and crush egg shells throughout the spring, and scratch them into the soil around certain plants. We compost year round, and before I retired, I took a mason jar to work everyday and collected food scraps from colleagues.

                              in reply to: How are the 2018 Gardens Progressing? #12963

                                Nice tomato plants! Do you have other plants in there too? or just one tomato plant in each?

                                Yesterday I discovered something had eaten 4 of my 6 broccoli plants and all 6 of my cauliflowers. I broke off one of the remaining broccoli heads, but could not get the last one because I didn't have a knife with me. This morning, I found that last one mostly eaten. Woodchuck. So now I have a critter camera hooked up to both my computer and my iPhone. It rings an alarm when it detects motion, and sends me a one minute video. We keep a rifle on the back porch.

                                And, we've had only one rain storm since June 23, although we do water veggies.

                                On a brighter note - the blueberries are ripening. They're blue, but still very tart and little flavor. I hope to be picking in another week or so. And severe thunderstorms with heavy rain is forecast for all day and into the night on Tuesday. Farmers are really hurting. All the storms have been going just south or north of us, and the farmers do not use irrigation around here like we see in the mid- west.

                                in reply to: What are you cooking the week of July 8, 2018? #12944

                                  Today I made egg salad sandwiches, on mixed grains bread, for dinner. And for snacking, I made Puddingwiches. Does anyone remember them from the early 80s? I made them often for my two children - a nice cold snack on a hot afternoon. Today I used chocolate graham crackers, which I never heard of in the 80s, so I think they made only the "original" grahams back then. For the filling, I beat peanut butter with the milk and added instant, sugar-free chocolate pudding mix. I put them in the freezer for a couple of hours. My grand-daughter came to mow the lawn, and was happy to be a taste-tester! They are delicious!

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