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Mike, I went to the senior special shopping hours the other day, except I screwed up and got there at 7:30 when the hours were 6-7:00. The parking lot was packed, and all the handicap spots were full. The aisles were crowded with shoppers and people restocking shelves - so the selection was fairly good, except no toilet paper, cleaning/sanitizing supplies, flour, dairy products (plenty of eggs). About half the shoppers at that hour were 20-somethings, and half 60-somethings. You are right, who wants to get up at 5:00, leave home at 5:30 because it's a 25 minute drive, just to shop at 6:00! Supposedly everything is freshly cleaned, and the shelves better stocked. I will do this again, it's worth getting up early (and, since we're not doing anything else, we can take a nap as soon as we get back home!)!
BakerAunt, we are expecting that storm to arrive late tomorrow afternoon; glad you enjoyed it! In anticipation of more snow, tonight we had grilled strip steaks, potatoes roasted on the grill, broccoli, and green salad. I'm thinking tomorrow I will use the two pounds of mushrooms I bought yesterday to make mushroom soup for myself, and I'll open a can of Grillin' Beans for my husband.
Dinner tonight was ham, cheddar, onion, pepper omelets with fresh made whole wheat English muffins.
Egg salad on rye, for an evening of boiling maple sap at the sugarhouse.
My husband just snagged the last 50 lb bag of AP flour at KAF. They were putting out a few 10 lb bags, the last they had. It's encouraging to know that so many people are baking from scratch, although I suspect it's mostly for chocolate chip cookies and brownies, made by the youngsters who are home from school closings!
My cat loves tuna fish juice, but doesn't eat the tuna. The only other human food he eats is asparagus. Oh, yeah, he loves butter, too, but we don't let him have that.
Wise dog. I bet she's done some taste-testing already!
Dinner was ziti with marinara sauce made from tomatoes in the freezer; and a green salad.
I'm hoping KAF doesn't get much call to ship out 50 pound bags, compared to shipping 5 pound bags, and will have ample flour in stock tomorrow. Today I used 2 cups AP and 2 cups whole wheat for bread. I'm also out of white whole wheat, but I can live without that - it is not my favorite flour at all.
Dinner here tonight was grilled chicken thighs, roasted potatoes with Penzey's Herbes de Provence, squash from the freezer, and a green salad. I am so grateful to have obtained a huge box of fresh spinach and spring greens!
I went to BJs today for a few items, and was pleased to see lots of parking spaces, no lines, and tons of fresh produce and more being put out. I had read that yesterday it was a zoo, and there was little of anything left on the shelves. However, one thing I need is flour! And there was none! Of course I wanted KAF, but would have purchased GM, or any brand. So, Thursday my husband (retired, but works as a consultant on Thursdays) works almost next door to the KAF store, so he will get me a 50 pound bag of Sir Lancelot.
Most everything is shut down here, all dental offices, all schools, restaurants (which are mostly doing curb side and home delivery),libraries. My daughter-in-law is a cardiac nurse and today she was put under home quarantine as she had contact with someone who tested positive for c.virus. A dental hygienist friend and co-workers were laid off, and the owner said they would then be eligible for unemployment benefits. True, but she discovered that the maximum benefit is 427 a week, and she earns that much every day!! And the office is closed for the next three weeks. A lot of good things are happening too -- people volunteering to shop for the elderly/disabled/ill, small mom and pop stores making home deliveries, checking on neighbors, donating money to food shelves, and on and on.
And Penzey has now closed all their stores. My sister and I had planned a shopping trip to the nearest one, three hours away, just as a fun day-trip since our show next weekend was cancelled. They do so many online sales that closing the stores won't be an economic crisis for them.
Ha! You're right, Skeptic! And I have a lovely large bird house gourd I grew a number of years ago that would be perfect, and within the parameters of "fiber" or agriculture. I was thinking of myself first, but also that I would be passing the virus from one person to another. I think we'll just use the hand sanitizer now that I have it, as much as I hate using it.
Skeptic, very interesting, and I suppose it would be possible. It would require hauling many gourds/bottles of water from the restroom up the hill, and some kind of tub or bucket to catch the waste water. With thousands of attendees, and only a 10 x 12 booth, we wouldn't have space or time to manage that kind of operation. There is a large, multi-station, hand-washing station not far away, outside our building. I now have acquired a large bottle of hand sanitizer! Also, at this point, we would not be surprised to have the festival cancelled. Everything scheduled during the month of April seems to be cancelled, and this one is the first weekend in May.
Tonight we had salmon on the grill, with cole slaw and Greek pasta salad.
Today I made a lemon layer cake with a lemon cream cheese frosting. My husband had requested it, and he never asks for anything special nor does he want anything when I ask. The last cake I made was carrot, late summer-early fall, so cake is a real treat here.