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I cooked one of our regular dinners on Tuesday: roasted chicken thighs, roasted sweet potato chunks, and microwaved fresh broccoli. I made enough chicken for two more meals.
The bread is delicious, but the filling leaked, and I had to soak the pans overnight. When I bake this bread again, probably in another year when the Cara Cara oranges are in season, I will carefully keep the filling away from the edges and try to seal them effectively, although I suspect there will still be leakage. A bit more hydration in the dough might also make sealing it easier. The orange flavor did not show up that much, probably due to the amount of whole wheat flour. I might try white whole wheat next time.
I used my stand mixer twice today. The first time I mixed up dough for my crackers. The second time, I mixed and kneaded dough for two loaves of cinnamon swirl bread. I'm not sure, but I think the mixer sounds a little different, but it did fine with both projects and did not overheat. I am hoping that it has plenty of dough mixing in its future, although I will be cautious about heavy doughs, particularly large amounts of heavy dough.
On Monday, I made dough for my Whole Wheat Sourdough Cheese Crackers. I will bake them at the end of the week.
I also pulled out Bernard Clayton's first edition of The Complete Book of Breads and baked "Orange Cinnamon Swirl Bread," a recipe that I have only baked once some years ago. It did not get a fair trial, as that was the evening my oven central panel malfunctioned while I was baking a cake before the bread, so I ended up freezing the dough and baking it later. the taste was good, although the rise was not so great.
I chose the recipe because I wanted to take advantage of the last of the Cara Cara oranges for their zest, so out came the recipe. I replaced 4 ¼ cups of the AP with whole wheat flour and used 2 ¼ cups bread flour. I replaced milk with buttermilk and ¼ cup of shortening with 4 tbs. avocado oil. I added 3 Tbs. flax meal and 3 Tbs. special dry milk. I cut the salt from 1 ½ tsp. to 1 ¼ tsp. I used special gold yeast, as the dough has ½ cup sugar. I changed the directions in that I mixed the zest with the sugar before adding it. The baking instructions were 10 minutes at 375F and 30 minutes at 325F.
I chose to bake at 350F, although I pre-heated to 375 and turned down the temperature after putting the loaves into the oven. I am keeping an eye on the loaves, which have about 25 minutes left. I will report on them tomorrow, as I plan to slice one to have at breakfast.
My mixer did fine with the dough.
What a great neighbor you have, Navlys! Welcome back from Florida.
We had leftover black-eyed pea with ham and brown rice for our Monday dinner.
I made yogurt this morning and dropped the yogurt maker. It still works, but it has slight cracks in the upper part of the body and the top of the lid. As long as the yogurt continues to come out well, I will keep using it.
On our last shopping trip to the larger town, I was able to buy two bags of blood oranges. On Sunday, I baked Blood Orange Yogurt Loaf in a fancy Bundt swirl loaf pan. I have made the recipe my own by using half barley flour and half King Arthur AP flour, using nonfat Greek yogurt rather than 2% or full fat (neither available locally), and replacing the half cup of coconut oil with avocado oil. Tomorrow, I will make a half recipe of my favorite Blood Orange glaze and we will begin slicing it.
Expect more blood orange baking in the coming two weeks.
Yep, show not go seems to rule these days. Not only do we have open concept, but a "slot" house because of the narrow lot. While the front door faces the lake, the reality is that everyone comes in the back door and right into the kitchen area. My husband had show ideas, but he has realized the kitchen will never get beyond go, and he likes what comes out of the oven.
We will have leftover sourdough pan pizza and salad that includes lettuce from our garden.
Thank you for keeping us posted, Joan. The road ahead is not an easy one. I will continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers.
On Saturday, I cut the rest of the ham away from the bone and froze it. I then cooked a package of black-eyed peas with the ham bone. I sauteed yellow bell pepper and celery in avocado oil, then added the black-eyed peas and any additional meat that had come off the bone. I mixed in minced parsley, and some brown rice, and added 1 tsp. thyme and some black pepper. It's a simple but delicious dinner, and we have enough for two more nights.
Aaron--back when I was baking cakes for office birthday parties, I made a coconut cake from King Arthur. I cannot recall if it was on their site or in Sift magazine, although I think that all the Sift recipes are now on their website. I think that was back around the time that King Arthur announced that it was going to close the Baking Circle.
It was a wonderful cake, which of course I can no longer eat due to dietary restrictions. I would need a lot of people to help me consume it. I do recall that it used coconut milk because I had some left over, which I then used in place of eggnog in a Bundt cake.
Thanks for the suggestions. The place Mike mentions seems to work exclusively on Kitchen Aid, although I will check. I'm not sure it will be possible to source parts for a mixer that has not been made for over ten years. A lot would also depend on the cost and whether it would be more cost effective just to go with a new mixer.
I agree with Aaron that I should have used a lower speed on the heavier dough. I will probably stick to doughs that are not quite as dense for my next few breads and see how it goes. I thought that the mixer would stop if overtaxed, but that did not happen.
I made my sourdough pan pizza for dinner on Friday.
That recipe looks great, Chocomouse. I will earmark it for use in my long baker, since King Arthur says a double recipe would fit that baking dish.
On Thursday, I baked Big Lake Judy's Best Ever Molasses Cookies, a recipe posted by Mike here at Nebraska Kitchen. The only changes I make are to add 2 Tbs. of Bob's Red Mill milk powder and to cut the salt by half. Given the baking soda in the cookies, I wonder if the salt could be omitted? I used a #30 scoop and got 28 cookies.
With my oven, I need to cut the time down a bit. 14 minutes is too long, and the cookies are slightly too done on the bottom.
I do have a Cuisinart hand mixer that I bought about 14 years ago. When it malfunctioned before the two-year warranty period expired, Williams Sonoma, where I bought it online, was able to give me a copy of the receipt. The malfunction was that one of the beaters would not stay in the mixer. I had to pay postage to send it to Cuisinart, and I think $20, but they replaced the hand mixer, and I have had no problems with it. However, I do not even try to use its bread dough kneading beaters, as I think that was the problem, even with a lighter dough. I still have my older Kitchen Aid hand mixer, which is not as powerful, in case I need back up on cookies and cake mixing.
I do like my Zo bread machine that I bought at a moving sale, and I have an older back-up bread machine that does not handle quite as much dough but that is lighter and so easy to cart to family reunions for baking sweet rolls. I use the Zo for rolls and single loaves, as it has always done a better job on small amounts of dough than the stand mixer.
When I bake my crispbread recipe, I only use the stand mixer to combine it. I knead the dough by hand for ten minutes. In the stand mixer, it just sticks to the bottom and the spiral makes a hole, and it was not good for me or the mixer to have to turn the mixer off and move it around. It is too heavy for the bread machine.
I've begun researching the Ankarsum, and I began with this review by Serious Eats: