What are you Cooking the Week of January 23, 2022?

Home Forums Cooking — (other than baking) What are you Cooking the Week of January 23, 2022?

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    Joan Simpson

      More leftover Brunswick Stew.


        I made Skillet Chicken with Broccoli and Orzo for dinner on Wednesday, with enough for Thursday and Friday dinners as well.


          I bought a lovely bunch of salad turnips last week at the farmer's market, so I used the greens in a soup that I made at lunch on Thursday. My soup is the usual "stone soup" type. I sauteed onion, carrots, and celery in olive oil, added minced garlic, about 4 1/2 cups mostly turkey broth, 8 oz. of black beans that I had frozen earlier this year, a can of diced tomatoes with hatch chilis, 1 tsp. Penzey's Salsa & Pico, 1/4 tsp. chili powder, black pepper, then at the end, I added the turnip greens. It made a satisfying soup that I will be eating for lunches into next week.

          Joan Simpson

            Tonight I fried a piece of cubed steak then made onion gravy to put the steak back in and simmer a little while,with that we had rice and garden pea salad with buttermilk biscuits.


              I took the eggplant Parmesan out of the freezer and it’s in the oven. It’s our last batch from the garden last summer.


                That sounds delicious, Joan, I haven't had cube steak in ages.

                I roasted a salmon filet in a cast iron pan. Had it with broccoli and mashed potato.

                Mike Nolan

                  The last of the tomato relish I made last summer went bad on us, unusual because it has so much sugar and vinegar in it that it usually lasts for a year or more.

                  I threw away the remains of the previous batch, made 3-4 years ago, when I made last year's batch. I had overcooked that batch a bit and it tasted a bit scorched, and it just wasn't getting used up.

                  One of the stores had red peppers on sale for 66 cents each so I'm making a batch using a #10 can of diced tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes. I used 5 large red peppers and 5 medium onions. The proportions look OK as I stir it, but I really won't know how well it worked until it has cooked for several hours.

                  I'll probably freeze some of this batch, it freezes well.

                  Joan Simpson

                    Tonight we had a Taco salad..


                      We had fajitas and raw veggies with a spicy dip.

                      Mike Nolan

                        With fresh relish available, we had hot dogs, of course. This batch is pretty good.

                        Joan Simpson

                          Today I made a big pot of hamburger vegetable soup and fresh pimento cheese for sandwiches so we'll have plenty on these cold days.


                            I made a double batch of The Neely's (Food Network) Asparagus Soup. I ended up with only 2 quarts for the freezer and 3 cups for lunches. This is excellent soup even though washing each asparagus spear (2 pounds) is labor intensive with not much to show at the end of the process. But I'm always happy to have asparagus soup in the freezer for days I don't want to cook. A cup of this soup is like drinking liquid gold. I prefer it with Butterhorn or Parker House rolls but only had foccaccia in the freezer today.


                              We had salmon and couscous with Penzey's Greek Seasoning, along with microwaved frozen peas and carrots for dinner on Saturday.

                              Mike Nolan

                                I think we're having fish for supper, I got it out of the freezer a couple of days ago but decided on other meals the last two nights.


                                  Tonight we had sausages with blueberry pancakes and maple syrup. Perfect for a blustery Nor'easter night, although we have only a dusting of snow.

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