Help with Chocolate Kahlua Walnut Tart Missing Cream Amount

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      I came across a recipe that I would like to try:

      I printed it from it was absorbed by another entity, but I was able to find the link above.

      The problem is that for the filling, it mentions combining the brown sugar, corn syrup, butter, and CREAM in a saucepan. However, it does not say how much cream. Perhaps the earlier amount for the crust includes it?

      Any educated guesses as to how much cream should be used in the filling?

      Spread the word
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by BakerAunt. Reason: corrected word

        BakerAunt, I'm taking a stab at this, I think it might be a matter of grammar and sentence structure. In the earlier part of the recipe when she mentions cream she always says "heavy cream". When making the filling she doesn't use the term "heavy cream" she only says "cream". I'm thinking she means to cream the ingredients rather then adding some heavy cream.

        Mike Nolan

          One generally doesn't 'cream' something that is being cooked, so I'm more inclined to think that the reference to cream in the filling is an error. Brown sugar, corn syrup and butter would make a butterscotch sauce.


            I googled Chocolate Kailua Walnut Tart and there were several sites that had a recipe. So I looked at the first recipe that wasn't and it listed 2 tablespoons heavy cream in the filling ingredients list. Hope this helps!


              Thanks to all. I think it probably should have some cream, so I will try the 2 Tbs. and report back.


                I came across a recipe that I would like to try:


                I printed it from–before it was absorbed by another entity, but I was able to find the link above.

                The problem is that for the filling, it mentions combining the brown sugar, corn syrup, butter, and CREAM in a saucepan. However, it does not say how much cream. Perhaps the earlier amount for the crust includes it?

                Any educated guesses as to how much cream should be used in the filling?

                Good morning Marliss. Marliss re~open the recipe page & re~read paragraph #2.... that is the "CREAM" it IS the "CONCOCTION" Referred in the end of the recipe that you are questioning.

                I agree very very poorly composed. WHO SAYS WE ARE ALL BORN EQUAL???

                Have a nice day Marliss



                  Hi, Cass: I re-read the second paragraph, and it says to put the cream into the crust.

                  Cwcdesign: I tried googling the recipe, as you did, but I did not find another recipe that included the cream. However, Nebraska Kitchen and this topic came up on the second page of the advanced google search!

                  • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by BakerAunt.

                    Hi, Cass: I re-read the second paragraph, and it says to put the cream into the crust.

                    Cwcdesign: I tried googling the recipe, as you did, but I did not find another recipe that included the cream. However, Nebraska Kitchen and this topic came up on the second page of the advanced google search!

                    I did a poor job in explaining myself. The second paragraph is the filling.
                    At the paragraph where you are questioning where it says add the cream & you say how much well Marliss the recipe writer means the total concoction as described in the 2nd paragraph. It is the filling she calls the cream.

                    I hope I did a better job of this now.



                      You know, I almost included the link yesterday but now I can't find it - wonder what happened 🙂


                        When I make pie crust I use heavy cream instead of water. It's something a friend of mine taught me and 3-4 tbls sounds about right.

                        It you were making a ganache with the chocolate chips and cream that usually calls for a 1 to 1 ratio chocolate to cream so it would need a 1/2 cup to go with the 1/2 cup of chocolate. Not sure what the other ingredients would do to that though.


                          Thanks, Aaron. That answers the question about the crust.

                          I did some more searching, and apparently Mark Bittman has a recipe for a walnut tart that does have cream in the filling--but the only recipe I could find online was for a pie--with more filling than this tart. It did not include the Kahlua.

                          The walnuts and chocolate are sprinkled on the bottom of the crust, and then the cooked filling is poured over it. I'm sure there needs to be cream in the cooked mixture. The question is how much.


                            Baker Aunt, have you looked at the KAF recipe for a hazelnut tart - I can't remember the exact name. The filling does call for cream, and that might give you a place to start. I've been waiting for an excuse to make this tart, that is, a gathering to share it because it looks too rich to have hanging out at my house!

                            Aaron, when I make ganache, I use a 1 to 1 ratio by WEIGHT for the chocolate and cream, not volume. Do you think that would apply to this filling?


                              Hi, Chocomouse. It's good to hear from you again. I think that the recipe you mentioned is the Malted Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Tart. I've made that one (twice in a month to use up my special chocolate), and it is most delicious. If you make it, I recommend a slightly larger rectangular tart pan than that recipe specifies. 14 inches by 4 1/2 is about right. However, it differs from the one I'm trying to figure out in that the nuts and the chocolate are sprinkled on the partially baked crust, then the warm filling is poured over them, rather like a pecan pie.

                              This feels like one of the GBBO Challenges where information is left out of a recipe, and the contestants have to figure it out. BTW, I watched two episodes tonight on PBS. It's not the new one, but I enjoyed it.


                                BA, Chocomouse, I also have a hazelnut tart recipe. My wife gave it to me many years ago for Thanksgiving because she does not like pecan or pumpkin pie. She actually does not like pie. I think it is from Real Simple.

                                It uses a chocolate cookie/hazelnut/butter crust that is dead simple to make - just crush everything in the food processor and push it into a tart pan.

                                The filling is a chocolate ganache which is different from BA's recipe. The measurements are volume not weight so I use volume. I would probably follow whatever is in the recipe I am using. If a recipe has weights and volumes, these days I would probably use weights.


                                  I sent a message to and it looks like they fixed the recipe! It now says 3-4 Tbls of heavy cream.

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