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  • in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of May 17, 2020? #24039

      BakerAunt; How did the Pan au Chocolat come out? do you think the strong taste on the WW sourdough is from the whole wheat or from the sourdough starter?

      in reply to: KAF reports 2000% increase in online flour sales #24032

        Supposedly there are bakeries that are doing that around here. They weren't in my neighborhood and I didn't want to drive around so I didn't write down the contact information. I wonder if they are still doing it.

        in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #24031

          I'm doing the three pleats surgical mask, with ties around the back of the head, from directions sent to me by a friend. I read that the ones that go around the ears are uncomfortable after a while. I've added a support band that goes from the upper ties over the head that keeps the mask from slipping down. I went from adjusting the mask every couple of minutes to going throught three stores without problems.
          My mask is open at the bottom so extra filters can be added. I'm pleased with how the mask works, just frustrated that it takes time.

          in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #24016

            Chocomouse, you know such nice people. I am amazed that anyone can make and donate masks. I've sewn some but it takes me 2 weeks to get four sewn. I've done 12 so far, 7 have been given away, I'm using 2 and have 3 unallocated. I might be sending two to a friend later when I can get to the post office.

            in reply to: KAF reports 2000% increase in online flour sales #24005

              Nice article! I wonder if the stores I frequent are getting sold out before I get there as opposed to not being able to get any flour. I wonder if any bakeries in my area have extra 50 lb bags for sale. I could try sharing with neighbors πŸ™‚

              in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of May 17, 2020? #23980

                What honey wheat bread were you making? Is this a KAF recipe?

                in reply to: Daily Quiz for May 19, 2020 #23971

                  I got it, but mainly by process of elimination.

                  in reply to: KAF reports 2000% increase in online flour sales #23970

                    Oh I was at a grocery store that has white flour but not whole wheat. I went to whole wheat for health reasons, and used white flour for pie crusts and special holiday baking. I don't have medical reasons, I just thought if I stuck to whole wheat it would have a little less calories.
                    Mike what sort of mill do you have and how much work is it to get the wheat kernels and grind your own flour?

                    in reply to: KAF reports 2000% increase in online flour sales #23968

                      I was trying baked yeast donuts again, this time in plain rather than chocolate. I had stretched out the dough to get larger holes and tried without too much success to make the rings uniform in height and width. However when they baked some of the holes closed and other donuts were decidedly lumpy. They were a little dry the next day but still great with yogurt and strawberries.

                      in reply to: Link to Maple Buttermilk Bread Recipe #23967

                        I add mash potatoes very rarely. I don't often make mash potatoes, and then mainly eat them myself. I have some recipes, a Betty Crocker Hot Cross bun recipe that calls for mash potatoes and I will make the effort for them. I found the bread is moister but also a little heavier.
                        I add potato flour because it is easier, just measuring out the potato flour and adding it to the regular flour. Its a small enough amount I don't think about adding extra liquid. If the dough is slightly too dry I can add a tablespoon of water at time when kneading. I do think that it keeps the resulting bread moist.
                        I didn't use any potato flour in a recent recipe and found the dough drier than the breads with potato flour.

                        in reply to: Link to Maple Buttermilk Bread Recipe #23949

                          I use potato flour in most of my yeast breads. I do 2 tablespoons of potato flour to 4 cups of flour.

                          in reply to: KAF reports 2000% increase in online flour sales #23938

                            My friends would have gladly eaten any donuts available, but they wouldn't have joined in my dissappointment at the lumpy shape and the sometimes completely filled in hole. This batch of donuts had better texture and shape than the last batch but still hadn't achieved perfection. My unsympathetic friends were more interested in taste than appearance.

                            in reply to: Link to Maple Buttermilk Bread Recipe #23929

                              My problem with the recipe is the premise, I never had problems finding things to bake using buttermilk. I sometimes had to make a point of using regular milk because it was getting sour, but buttermilk keeps so well in the refrigerator I don't worry about it. I use buttermilk more in pancakes and quick breads than in yeast breads.

                              in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #23928

                                Disposable gloves and masks and sanitizer are easily available around here if you check the right stores. Its just its not every store. The hardware store had disposable gloves and sanitizer and bleach. One of the grocery stores had disposable masks. I saw cloth masks for sell at the hardware store. Reusable gloves are in short supply.

                                in reply to: KAF reports 2000% increase in online flour sales #23927

                                  Nice article. The quarentine has given people the time and incentive to try and retry baking. Baking one batch of biscuits is either easy -- like when you did it in Girl Scouts -- or impossible -- the first several times you did it alone -- but now people have the time to try batch after batch until things work and no way to throw up their hands and go to the store when the first couple don't work.
                                  Its easier baking when there aren't the time constraints but its harder not having friends to eat extra donuts. It'd be nice having friends to sympathize at ugly but tasty donuts, but I didn't have any of those before the coronavirus epidemic.

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