Mike Nolan

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  • in reply to: What are you Cooking the Week of May 19, 2024? #42724
    Mike Nolan

      We had big salads, tuna on Diane's and pork loin on mine. (The cat enjoyed the tuna water and got a bite or two of tuna, too.)

      in reply to: Endless Shrimp Did Not Doom Red Lobster #42721
      Mike Nolan

        We stopped going to Red Lobster several years ago because they changed their recipes and their crab alfredo now had garlic in the sauce. Bleh!! (That should be a culinary felony!)

        Other recipes changed as well.

        I don't eat shrimp (I had a bad reaction to some shrimp creole 50 years ago and since then I just avoid it), which means their shrimp promotions were lost on me. And shrimp scampi has garlic in it (as did several other shrimp dishes) which means they were lost on Diane as well.

        The location in Lincoln closed several years ago, and it was over a year before Diane even noticed. (It needed some serious remodeling/upgrades, as did many of their locations according to various articles on their bankruptcy.)

        There really isn't a good seafood place in Lincoln these days unless you count the sushi places, and some of them aren't that great. The nearest Joe's Crab Shack is in Missouri and Legal Seafood just opened in Pittsburgh but nothing really close.

        But if the restaurant industry had to depend on us, they'd all be out of business.

        in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of May 12, 2024? #42717
        Mike Nolan

          Sure, it makes a great spread on raisin bagels.

          in reply to: The new cat #42716
          Mike Nolan

            At first, but he's getting more comfortable sitting on laps and likes being petted. And is putting on some weight already.

            in reply to: What are you Cooking the Week of May 19, 2024? #42711
            Mike Nolan

              We had hot dogs and a slice of the keto friendly cake I made yesterday. It took a day but the frosting finally set up.

              in reply to: The new cat #42710
              Mike Nolan

                He's getting a bit less shy, though he tends to retreat to the cat carrier and mew softly when we go out there. But he did walk out into the family room this evening, wander over to and look out the back door, and then retreated back to his safe place.

                He does appear to know what a litter box is for, and I think he knows the sound of the refrigerator door being opened, too. Not sure if he recognized the sound of the can opener, but the tuna water drew him out quickly.

                When Diane brought her mother's cat over after she passed, it took months before Gracie would stay on my lap and close to a year before she'd climb up there on her own. So we're used to being patient with an adult cat in a new place. (Kittens will explore anywhere.)

                in reply to: 2024 Gardening #42704
                Mike Nolan

                  Between last night and today, I've got 13 tomato plants in, about half of the ones I started in March. So far I've got First Lady II, 4th of July, Porter, Rutgers and Celebrity planted.

                  in reply to: The new cat #42701
                  Mike Nolan

                    The new cat came out of hiding when I gave him a bowl of tuna water. We're slowly expanding how much of the house he has access to, but for now he's content to stay in the mudroom where he spent the night.


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                    in reply to: 2024 Gardening #42685
                    Mike Nolan

                      I've got a bunch of tomatoes I could put in now (and may do so this evening) and more that aren't quite big enough yet, I'll probably put them in a bigger peat pot for a week or two.

                      in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of May 12, 2024? #42684
                      Mike Nolan

                        I think there's too much cocoa in the cake, and I'm not sure if that's because I lowered the amount of semi-sweet chocolate (to cut carbs) and increased the amount of cocoa powder or because I used dutch cocoa (as called for.)

                        Next time--more buttermilk, less cocoa, maybe regular cocoa, and perhaps some pecan flour for texture. And possible a little baking powder for airiness.

                        If the regular Texas Chocolate Sheet cake is a 10, this is a 5 or 6, but that mean's there's plenty of room for improvement. It'll get eaten, though.

                        in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of May 12, 2024? #42683
                        Mike Nolan

                          I tried making a keto-friendly Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake, using a flourless cake recipe and using allulose instead of sugar and powdered allulose for the frosting. The cake is still cooling, but the frosting tastes pretty close, though it may not be hardening quite as much, I may not have cooked the butter/buttermilk/cocoa long enough. But maybe it will set up more over the next few hours, I've had batches where it didn't harden as much right away.

                          Looks like 1/9 of an 8x8 pan, with frosting, will be 11 carbs.

                          in reply to: Birds sighted #42675
                          Mike Nolan

                            Maybe I should start with oranges before putting out the grape jelly, but both disappear here, to a variety of birds. Squirrels like grape jelly, too, and I've even seen a raccoon try to get up the pole. (It bent, so I had to straighten it out.)

                            Something's been nibbling at the dill plants I put out, but so far they're rebounding. I'd like to put in a dill patch but haven't found a good place for one.

                            in reply to: 2024 Gardening #42674
                            Mike Nolan

                              Both our front and back lawns were in pretty sad shape, so I've been replanting them. The back yard had a lot of bare patches, so I seeded the whole yard in microclover.

                              The front yard got both microclover and buffalo grass seed. (One of the professors at UNL in my wife's department is a grasses expert, he strongly recommends buffalo grass as a native grass that is heat and drought tolerant.)

                              I scarified the yard first to remove thatch and that also took out a lot of the weeds. Scarifying is like power raking but it digs a series of grooves about a half inch into the dirt to provide a place for seeds to take hold.

                              The back yard got the clover seed several weeks ago and the clover is doing well, I may not even need to reseed any bare patches. The front yard just got seeded on Tuesday, the clover may start showing up next week but the buffalo grass might take 2 weeks.

                              I tried putting in a few small areas of buckwheat, mostly along the east side, but I don't know if any of it took, so I might try it again soon. The year I rested the main vegetable garden area I put in buckwheat and it was so pretty, and the bees just loved it.

                              in reply to: What are you Cooking the Week of May 12, 2024? #42668
                              Mike Nolan

                                We had hot dogs on the buns I baked and I had some salad.


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                                in reply to: What are you Baking the Week of May 12, 2024? #42667
                                Mike Nolan

                                  I'm making keto-friendly hot dog buns today

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