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  • in reply to: What Did You Cook the Week of January 8, 2017? #6273

      Just reading the forecasts for ice storms in the mid-west made me want to make soup, although we've actually had some pretty mild weather in Vermont this week. So I made split pea soup using the Christmas ham bone, and broccoli-cheddar soup using some of the broccoli in the freezer from my garden last summer. We ate some, and the rest went into the freezer for later this winter. I also made a double batch of Chex Mix to get my husband through the end of football season!

      in reply to: What Did You Bake the Week of January 8, 2017? #6272

        I started the week on Sunday baking two loaves of our favorite Maple Buttermilk Bread, with some variations. I also made the KAF recipe of the month Pizza Party Buns. They excellent - light, airy, and of course tasty. I'll be making more, but smaller size, for a party next week. I made a batch of Moomie's Buns to freeze for future hamburgers and sandwiches. I made pineapple-coconut muffins to use up some leftover pineapple - they were not so good. The texture was fine, but little flavor. Yesterday I made two loaves of Garlic-Herb bread, using KAF's mix of garlic and herbs. It was a good week for baking and the freezer is well-stocked!

        in reply to: I was wondering.…… #6271

          luvpyrom, I do have a lot of my recipes in Word documents, and that is a good suggestion to go back and edit after baking -- but I'm apt to forget to do that. I do print each recipe to take to the kitchen, and hand-write comments. But I have a 2 foot high stack of printed recipes piled up on my desk! Triple copies of some of them! So I'm filing, in paper form, sorted by category, the recipes I seem to use over and over again. I should be able to quickly find the recipe I'm looking for. This will save a ton of paper and ink, and maybe some time. This is also helping me to toss out many many recipes that looked interesting when I printed them, but seriously, I'll never make them. I'm sure lots of us have these piles - just as knitters stash yarn, quilters stash fabric.... Maybe when this job is finished, I'll tackle the stash of ingredients in the pantry!

          in reply to: I was wondering.…… #6240

            pmiker is active with the Facebook group "Around My Kitchen Table." He is still experimenting and sharing his results, good or still a work in progress, enhanced with terrific photos.

            I am one of those who cannot remember two days later what I baked earlier in the week!! And, I'm very negligent about logging in and commenting here although I read what others have posted about once a week. Today is a non-baking day for me, a rarity. Instead, I've begun the task of organizing/sorting/throwing from the 2 foot high stack of recipes I've collected over the past year. What fun! I bet some of you can relate to that.

            in reply to: Heard from Zen #5728

              I've now given up completely on Zen's site -- I cannot get in. Anyone who visits here can see, if they check out the side bar, that we have listed recipes with acknowledgement to the "former" or "old" (hahaha) BC member, and the forums are also categorized, making them easy to navigate. I don't know what else to try other than what has been mentioned. I do appreciate everything people post here.

              in reply to: Heard from Zen #5686

                I'm here, but very intermittently. I've had two major surgeries, including this past Monday, and one more to go in mid-late December. And my husband had his second knee replacement last week. I'm now thinking that retirement means you don't go to work -- because you need to have the time to go to the hospital. By January, I'll have more time to bake and post.

                DachshundLady's site is active, but it is a very limited number of regular posters, I would guess less than 10. I could not get into Zen's site for the past 2 months, and had no response to my request for help with a new password. I think we probably have lost some of the core members of the OBC, unfortunately. I wonder if any of us still have contact with any of those core folks, and if we contacted them personally to remind them of the website address, and share some current news about former members, something to make them want to join us -- would that help?

                in reply to: Soup Weather #5279

                  I just put 3 meals of Butternut Squash soup in the freezer, and made Beef Stew on Tuesday. We like corn chowder, clam chowder, broccoli cheddar, Duchess, tomato, bean (plain, with veggies, or sausage/kielbase), asparagus, cauliflower, chili, vegetable. And I love that it's a great excuse for all kinds of breads and rolls!! Baker Aunt, I love your squash soup recipe when you get it figured out.


                    This was a short week, as I got back Tuesday evening from two weeks in Michigan. Also, we were taking advantage of a garden full of ripe produce. I did make a chicken-grape salad, but mostly we just grilled meat and ate zucchini, summer squash, green and yellow beans, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, simply steamed or raw. And BLTs, on home-made bread, of course.

                    in reply to: Heard from Zen #4532

                      I retired on July 1, and thought I'd have more time to read and post on the "new" sites replacing the KAF Community. But I've been so busy still... I think the conversations will increase when the summer weather changes and baking season starts up for the holidays. I do find the postings interesting!

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