What are you Baking the Week of January 10, 2021?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are you Baking the Week of January 10, 2021?

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    Mike Nolan

      Not sure when but I'm in the mood for a thin-crust pizza this week, probably using Reinhart's 'Roman' crust recipe, which stretches out really thin.

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        Needless to say I did not bake, but Will did. He made Pineapple Pecan Upside Down Cake from my new book Dessert Person by Claire Saffitz. It is incredible! More like a tarte tatin. Fresh pineapple, rum, caramel. The pecans were toasted and ground as flour. It is not too sweet and the cake is tender. It was time consuming but simple.


          We ran out of bread on Sunday, so this time I baked two loaves. I modified my recipe for Sunflower Oat Wheat Bread by using 2 cups of Harvest Grains in place of 1 ½ cups old-fashioned oats. I also deleted the sunflower seeds since there are some in the Harvest Grains. I put in ¼ cup of high-gluten flour in place of that much bread flour, as I am trying to use it up. These are big loaves—9x5 loaf pans—and I will freeze one.


            Tonight, I mixed up the dough for Angel Biscuits. It's in the fridge until tomorrow. I'll bake all of them after breakfast for the freezer. Okay, I'll eat one with cherry preserves to taste test.


              Taste testing is such an important job, Italian Cook, and it needs to be rewarded with cherry preserves!

              On Monday morning, I baked Whole Wheat Sourdough Cheese Crackers from dough I made last week.


                What are Angel biscuits like in comparison to regular biscuits? I've read the recipe but never tried making one. Also shouldn't you extend your taste test to include butter and other toppings in case it makes a difference.

                Crackers sound wonderful. I prefer my brownies cakey rather than fudgy, so any fudgey brownies are the result of accidents.


                  Half my Angel Biscuits fed the trash can. Unfortunately. The recipe says to bake for about 15 minutes & I went for 15. Burned them. Second and third pans baked for 12 minutes & that was perfect. I had forgotten that the oven burns hotter at 425 degrees and didn't adjust for that. I ended up with 18 perfect ones. Had some for lunch in a bowl of canned Chicken ala King and froze the rest.

                  It's been a while since I last made them. I forgot to roll the dough to 1/2" and made it thinner. So I didn't have the lovely tall biscuits that are characteristic of Angel Biscuits.

                  skeptic7, I don't know how to answer your question. Ignorance. I don't often make biscuits, and when I do it's Angel Biscuits. I made my grandmother's biscuits a couple of times, but we are sold on the softer Angel Biscuits. Sorry. A few times a year, I make Sara Moulton's Shortbread, which are cream biscuits. Those don't rise as high as Angel Biscuits.


                    I recall that one of the threads saved from the Baking Circle was Mrs. Cindy's quest for Angel biscuits, after a grandson spoke of the Angel Biscuits served at his summer camp. I think that they are supposed to be particularly light and airy.

                    It's under "The Quest for a True Southern Biscuit." The way the thread appears, it looks as if I am the one who wrote it and is speaking, when I'm actually just the person who saved it before the KAF Baking Circle site was demolished by King Arthur and posted it here.

                    I'm not sure if I can edit it to make it clear that it is Mrs. Cindy speaking. I've have a few posts that disappeared when I tried to edit them, even with unchecking the "keep a log" box, and it is more likely to happen with such a lengthy one.

                    Joan Simpson

                      I've never made Angel biscuits but all the recipes I've ever read have yeast,baking soda and baking powder says they are between a biscuit and roll?

                      Mike Nolan

                        I don't think Mrs Cindy ever had a logon here, otherwise I could reassign the authorship of that thread to her. I suppose I could create an account for her, but that's kind of creepy.

                        FWIW, here's the Southern Living recipe for Angel Biscuits, which they call a cross between biscuits and Parker House rolls


                          I may have a copy of her Angel Biscuit recipe, but it would be on my other laptop. I'll look when I feel a little better. I'm trying to take it slow today - my arm is a little more achy - can't wait til tomorrow to get this taken care of. I started to say when I have time, but I have plenty of that😁

                          • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by cwcdesign.
                          • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by cwcdesign.
                          Joan Simpson

                            Cwcdesign prayers for you having a good easy surgery and recovery time,glad it's outpatient too.

                            I made the Angel Biscuit recipe from the link Mike provided. I halved all ingredients recipe didn't make any change except I over looked where it said to refrigerate 2 hours,mine just sat on the counter.I got 9 -3 inch biscuits.They were good,very soft and light.In between biscuit and roll,my husband loved them.We had them with a sausage patty for a sausage biscuit.

                            I punched in Angel Biscuit in the files and many posts comes up from back when all the discussion on biscuits,I read through most even saw where Aaron replied to Ms.Cindy.Swirth,BakerAunt and several more.I enjoyed the old read.


                              I baked my Wholegrain Fresh Apple Cake on Wednesday, using 4 of the Winesaps we bought last November. I baked it in a 13x9 Pyrex rectangular dish, after I noticed last year that apples eat into the finish of USA pans.


                                I baked another Apple Caramel Cake -- it's just as tasty as the first one! And it came out of the medium size bundt pan and the 4 small bundts perfectly!


                                  A woman I used to work with sent me a recipe for chocolate chunk cranberry brownies. Mom and my husband like them. They're good but too much stuff in them for me. They're blondies with choc chunks, pecans, coconut and craisins. It called, of course,for brown sugar which I have tons of with most of it being hard or sandy. Then I remembered I have a vacuum sealer! Duh. I softened it all up in a Tupperware container with several slices of bread and then packed and vacuum sealed it.

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