What are you Baking the Week of February 28, 2021?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are you Baking the Week of February 28, 2021?

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    Mike Nolan

      No plans here yet.

      Spread the word

        More bread and crackers and pizza. We made chocolate chip cookies.

        I am going to try raisin bread at some point this week. Found a recipe I like.

        Violet has decided that whoopie pies are her favorite thing I make and she needs the recipe and a picture for a school project so I may make those. Kate thinks Violet should use scones so I'll probably make both this week.

        Kate bought some raisins... 🙂


          Ah, raisin bread sounds good, Aaron.

          I baked a new recipe on Monday morning for Peanut Butter Cookies. The recipe comes from:


          I used honey rather than maple syrup, as I thought the peanut butter would overwhelm the maple syrup flavor. If I were to make it with maple syrup, I would reduce the amount to ¼ cup + 2 Tbs., since maple syrup has more water. However, I do not need the cookies to be vegan, so I’m unlikely to use maple syrup. The creamy peanut butter I used (Santa Cruz) has just salt added, so I did not sprinkle any salt on top. I used my Zeroll #30 scoop which made 16 cookies. I baked on the third rack up and switched the tray around halfway through the baking time. We each had a cookie at lunch, and they are dense but delicious—substantial enough that we each found a single cookie satisfying, although they are small, which is good as each is 1 g saturated fat from the peanut butter. I also think that molasses would work well in place of the honey.

          These would be good little energy cookies to take when traveling. Each has 6 g protein and 31.5 mg calcium and 165 mg potassium.


            I made my buns last night but all this pizza talk has given me a taste for it, so instead of making 8 buns I made 6, reserving about 190 grams of dough for tonight's pizza. I have never used this dough for pizza and I expect there will be considerable oven spring so I think I will make the pizza in a cast iron pan.

            Mike Nolan

              A dough with a lot of oven spring makes a great deep dish pizza.

              Joan Simpson

                I baked a new recipe for lemon cobbler I saw on facebook.Was OK.

                Recipe: https://buff.ly/3aU9hnP
                this is link to recipe,for a quick easy recipe I tried this,the only thing I would change is not to add vanilla it was a waste extract with the lemon extract.


                  I was thinking the same thing, Mike. I had to roll out the crust fairly thin, more thin than what you expect from a deep dish pizza, but I made it in the deep dish style. I place slices on Provolone directly on the crust, then sliced stuffed pepper and onions. I mixed shredded cheese with the sauce and covered everything with it. I baked it at 450f for about 15 minutes. It came out pretty good, soft crust nicely browned on the bottom. I could have done with a little less sauce but it was good.


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                  Mike Nolan

                    Recently I've been topping pizza with artichoke hearts, mushrooms, tomato chunks, 8 ounces of whole-milk mozzarella, 6 ounces of havarti and a sprinkling of 4-cheese blend (parmesan, asiago, provolone and romano.) This for a 15x20 pizza.

                    My sauce recipe, which I'll post after the next time I make it, makes enough sauce to lightly cover 3 of these pizzas. I brush it on so it is pretty uniform.

                    I think sauce is more important in a stuffed pizza than in a deep dish one, and for a thin crust pizza you really don't want the sauce to overpower everything else.

                    Joan Simpson

                      Your pizza looks good Len!


                        Will has adapted the Baking Steel House Pizza Sauce first off by halving it. We currently use a box (13-14oz) of Pomodoro crushed tomatoes - we like then even better than the Muir Glen or HT Organic ones. He adds fresh garlic, 5 grams salt, an assortment of herbs - fresh and/or dried and red pepper flakes. He used it on our 4 10"-12" pizzas last night and still has some left over.

                        Baking Steel has since added oil to their recipe, but not necessary. The recipe is similar to one I was using years ago in Marion that I got from the Grilled Pizza book from Taunton Press (no longer have the book, but I know the recipe is on my old computer)

                        • This reply was modified 4 years ago by cwcdesign.

                          I made a flourless chocolate cake from KAF today - looks yummy - not very tall, but I think it will be good no matter what. The recipe called for chocolate chips, both in the cake and in the glaze, and cocoa powder in the cake. Since I didn't have much left I used the black cocoa powder and then added the remaining to my bag of double dutch.


                            That pizza looks so good Len. You can't beat a cast iron crust!


                              Nebraska Kitchen is the place for pizza experimentation!

                              On Wednesday, I baked another Apple Streusel Topped Pie using 14 of the small Old-Fashioned Winesaps from the dwindling supply in the garage. For the streusel, I replaced 1/3 cup butter with 1 Tbs. butter and 2 ½ Tbs. grapeseed oil.

                              Joan Simpson

                                I baked another sourdough loaf today and the crackers that I made up last week.I liked the crackers some was thicker than they should have been but overall I liked them the ones on the edge was crispier, I'll have to work on the thickness when rolling.


                                  Joan--If you can get some flat wood slats, about 1/16-inch thick, maybe about 14 inches long, you can put them on either side as you roll the dough (slats should be under ends of rolling pin), and that will help get the correct thickness throughout. I have a set of "pie wands" that I use for that, but it should be possible to find some thin wood slats of the proper size at either a craft store or maybe a home store.

                                  I'm glad you liked the crackers!

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