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  • in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of August 26, 2018? #13303

      Hi There! I haven't written for awhile. I have been baking but nothing extraordinary. My recent spate of baking was triggered by a carton of milk going sour and luckily coincided with a cool spell. I baked a double batch of whole wheat blueberry bread. This was a quick bread and it came out fine! I used the rest of the milk in a whole wheat yeast bread with dates that turned out too dense. The sort of bread that is only useful as a delivery system for cream cheese. I sliced it thin and went out to buy a carton of cream cheese. Its made wonderful lunches for the past week.
      I've had other baking splurges triggered by a need to get rid of milk. Last time it was an extra large batch of English Muffins, partially white flour, and a double batch of apricot quick bread, and a double batch of oatmeal cranberry quick bread. I'm not sure if I am salvaging milk -- a good thing and so thrifty, or wasting eggs and flour and oil and fruit; and then putting myself to the bother of driving around and finding friends to eat the bread.

      in reply to: Oatmeal Maple bread #12960

        I repeated the recipe with the "darker" maple syrup and 1/2 cups of walnuts and had the same results. I don't know how much darker the second batch of maple syrup was than the first. The first maple syrup was a gift from friends in Canada and it claimed to be "medium" the second batch claimed to be "dark"
        This was however very tasty and I ate it during a long car trip. Maple frosting might have added more flavor but would have been messier.

        in reply to: Oatmeal Maple bread #12920

          I've only been to Vermont in the early summer, but I've enjoyed it immensely. Previously I went up the interstate on the Eastern side of the state, I-91 and stopped by KA and other places. I like Cabot Creamery since I can taste all the cheese from the very young to the special aged, including some not available locally like Vermont Sharp. I can get some Cabot Cheeses locally, my staple is "Extra Sharp Cheddar" in white.
          This time I wanted to go through Middlebury and see the UVM Morgan horse farm. They have a whole horse skeleton in a case! and some wonderfully friendly foals.

          The "Natural Maple Flavor" at KA doesn't give a list of ingredients.

          The KA Maple Oatmeal does look very good. I noticed it only use 1/4 cup maple syrup.

          in reply to: Oatmeal Maple bread #12913

            When I went through Vermont, I went up the West side on Route 7 and saw the Maple Syrup Museum. That was great, showing the history of Maple sugar from the Iroquois Indians to the Modern methods with plastic pipe. There was an exhibit/tasting of various grades of maple syrup from different producers. It was fabulous. They sold some very dark maple syrup that they said was a great favorite for barbecue sauce.
            I bought my syrup in Canada, and they only had Amber and Dark syrup. It came in cans and due to the difference in the exchange rate was cheaper than the US version. Maple syrup is still expensive enough that I don't want to waste it. Maybe if using dark syrup doesn't add enough flavor, I will use maple frosting.
            Is maple flavor a natural product?
            Oh Vermont was beautiful and I was impressed by all the solar panels. I wish I could have paid another visit to Cabot Creamery, I love their cheese.

            in reply to: How are the 2018 Gardens Progressing? #12651

              I have been having rain and more rain! Its so much rain that I haven't trimmed the bushes. My "garden" is a small plot near the house with Chinese Chives and Rosemary and weeds.
              A couple of months ago I pulled up the old weeds, and dried leaves and flower stalks, and covered parts of the garden -- the parts that were generally unplantable, like the part that used to grow mint until the mint died out, with newspaper and mulch. The newspaper was to keep the weeds down and the mulch was to keep the newspaper from blowing away. I planted the remaining parts with Chinese Chives and told myself that the weeds were mainly beaten and I could pull out any weeds that showed up.
              Hah. I found that my grassy weeds were something called Quackgrass that grows from roots and spreads from runners and were perennials so while I had pulled up all the old dried grass, more grass came up from the roots, even the roots that had been torn up and reburied. They also went sideways under the newspaper and came up through the mulch. Three weeks after I declared victory I realized the grass and the wild chrysantheums were winning. Last week I put down another layer of newspaper and mulch over the existing part and put more newspaper and mulch down between the rows of chives.
              I am waiting to see how long before the weeds conquer this layer of mulch.

              in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of June 10, 2018? #12648

                I baked whole wheat scones with raisins and candied orange peel. This is my normal quick bread/muffin recipe but as its baked in a cast iron pan I feel free to call it a scone. I took it in to work but its not as popular as the apple scones.
                I also did a cheese pizza to eat for lunch over the next couple of days. I particularly like cold cheese pizzas on hot days. This turned out better than the last pizza -- I'm not sure why but the crust seems to have risen during the baking.

                Baker Aunt;
                Is your whole wheat sourdough cracker recipe posted anywhere? It sounds delicious and if I was anywhere in you area I could help make it disappear.

                in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of June 3, 2018? #12625

                  Baker Aunt;
                  Thanks for the biscotti recipe.

                  I did a double batch of apple quick bread on Wednesday and a double batch of ginger bread today. I took the first batch to work and made everyone eat them with the pumpkin cream cheese spread, that didn't get rid of enough of the pumpkin cream cheese so I make the ginger bread for the same purpose.
                  I also did currant buttermilk bread in the cloche. This recipe used four cups of flour and fit nicely in a stainless steel 9 inch cake pan. I let it rise in the cake pan, so much easier to handle, and then put the whole thing in the cold cloche to bake. The bread turned out fine but ... more experimentation is needed. The bread didn't have the very thick bottom crust I found in the previous bread which was baked directly in the cloche but I put a thin folded aluminum foil ring between the cloche bottom and the cake pan to prevent direct heat transfer. This also made the cake pan just a bit too high so the cloche wasn't seated properly and might not have given the proper steamed environment.
                  It was very nice bread and I need to try it again without any aluminum foil between the cloche bottom and the cake pan.

                  in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of May 27, 2018? #12585

                    How was the lemon biscotti? Also I was reading about biscuits and wanted to ask you if you had a docker to prick holes or did you use a fork? How long does it take to make a batch?

                    Friday I made sugarless pumpkin bread, and pumpkin cream cheese. I was taking this to a party and the hostess is diabetic so I made this so she could eat some, and everyone else had the pumpkin cream cheese to add some sweetness to the bread.

                    in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of June 3, 2018? #12584

                      I did an apple pizza on Sunday. This was larger and thinner than I normally do it, but still tasty. I wasn't feeling like baking this morning but I am now feeling more ambitious. I also have two cups of pumpkin cream cheese spread which I made for a party last week, and I need something to do with it My current plan is to make gingerbread and hope I can get people to eat pumpkin cream cheese on gingerbread.


                      I thought it would be horribly sweet but it isn't. I'd like to have some cinnamon bread on which to spread the cheese.

                      in reply to: Berches: A Jewish Bread from Germany #12583

                        That bread looks very good, and the site is fascinating.

                        in reply to: My Father #12568

                          I am sorry about your father. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

                          in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of May 27, 2018? #12519

                            I did Northern style cornbread to eat with strawberries -- I would really like to eat biscuits as in strawberry shortcake, but its hard to make a whole wheat biscuit and they are sort of gritty. I could eat strawberries and yogurt by themselves but it tastes better accompanied by a biscuit, or muffin or cake. This year I've decided that quick breads are moister and tastier than biscuits and less sweet than cake and can be made with whole wheat flour.
                            I also made gingerbread with diced apples. Tasty and moist and gets rid of more apples. I want to eat all the apples in the refrigerator before cantalope season starts. Last week was apple and raisin scones. Apple pizza is in the future.

                            Is making crackers like making rolled cookies? Doesn't this take a lot of time to roll and cut and bake them? Especially since they could mysteriously disappear in a couple of minutes with a little cheese. or apples, or soup.

                            in reply to: What are You Cooking the Week of May 20, 2018? #12460

                              I did chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker with barbeque sauce on Monday night. I had this on high for awhile and then turned to low. I saw the legs were cooked at about Midnight and decided to turn the crock pot off, but waked up the next morning to find the legs were still cooking away. I am pulling the meat off the bones for sandwiches for lunch, and warming up the chicken with rice and vegetables for supper. The meet is over cooked but still very tasty. The meat off one drumstick is enough for one sandwich.

                              in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of May 20, 2018? #12459

                                I used parchment paper on the bottom of the cloche, but I didn't do anything else. I was surprised at how well the ceramic cloche bottom conducted heat.

                                On your pizza, do you use a very hot oven? why is that recommended for thin crust pizzas? A lot of articles talk about trying to get a very hot oven or to use a baking stone to increase the heat transfer. What good is this suppose to do?

                                in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of May 20, 2018? #12454

                                  I baked a buttermilk whole wheat bread in my cloche! It was enormous about 3 lbs and around 7 cups of flour with cut up dried apricots. It was much better than the last whole wheat bread, but it was pushing the capabilities of the cloche as a bit of the top crust was stuck to the top of the cloche. It was also a bit too soft and on what I thought was a final rise, melted down into a shapeless blob instead of a nice round super boule. I added more flour and reshaped it.
                                  Next time I am going to do this with 4 cups or less of flour and have a boule that fits comfortably within the cloche. I am also going to let it rise in a 8 or 9 inch round cake pan to have a layer between the bottom of the bread and the baking pan. The bottom was more cooked and dry than the top and sides.
                                  Should the dough of a bread be noticeably drier than that of rolls? The noknead bread is more hydrated and they form shapely boules.

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