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  • in reply to: milk st magazine #13991

      Cooks Illustrated does this as well. Usually, any "free trial," asks for a credit card number--and then it must be canceled if you decide not to continue. My standing rule is not to do free trials. I did get a free issue of Milk Street in the mail. I decided that it is one of those magazines that I'd only buy as a single issue if a recipe or two really caught my eye. That's now my rule for Cooks Illustrated as well. I have plenty of back copies to browse!

      in reply to: What spices go with lime in a quick bread? #13990

        Thanks for the offer, Chocomouse, but I'm focusing on recipes that do not require butter. I will make a small batch of the Lime-Pecan cookies, and carefully ration to no more than one cookie a day--and maybe make them a bit smaller. (Seriously, they are very much a shortbread kind of cookie.) Basil is also a no-go, since my husband hates that spice, which of course I enjoy. However, it would be nice to have another of Big Lake Judy's recipes posted here, if that one is not, so I encourage you to put it on when you have time.

        Rosemary does sound intriguing. Cinnamon, ginger, and lime might work. While my husband is not partial to ginger, he does not complain when it is with other spices. My husband is not a cardamom fan, but if it isn't too strong, I can usually create something that he will eat.

        in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 11, 2018? #13980

          We have a lot of nice Jonathan and Winesap apples to use. I scoured the internet to find a galette or crostada recipe, and I found “Apple Galette with Vanilla Yogurt Drizzle,” from Cooking Light. I’m on a low-saturated fat diet, so a crust that uses some whole wheat and only 5 ½ Tbs. of butter seemed a good place to start.

          One thing that irritates me about Cooking Light recipes is that they usually call for small amounts of ingredients that I would not want to have around in large amounts, given my current dietary restrictions. In this case, 3 Tbs. whole milk and 1/4 cup 2% yogurt. I decided to make several changes in the crust. I used whole wheat pastry flour rather than the regular whole wheat flour, reduced the salt to ¼ tsp., and in place of ¼ cup 2% yogurt and 3 Tbs. whole milk, I used ¼ cup plus 3 Tbs. buttermilk. The recipe said to roll the dough out to a 15-inch circle, but 13 ½ inches was all I could manage. There was a lot of filling, which I mounded high.

          For the filling, I used half Jonathan and half Winesap apples—unpeeled. I followed the filling ingredients otherwise, except that I deleted the vanilla, which I do not believe belongs in an apple pie. I brushed the crust with a bit of 1% milk and sprinkled with sparkling sugar before baking. Mine needed to bake 30 minutes, rather than 25 min.

          It definitely looks rustic, but only one side leaked a bit. After we watch tonight's episode of "The Durrells in Corfu," we will have it with nonfat vanilla yogurt for dessert. I'll add a note here about taste and crust texture after that.

          Note: The filling is excellent, but then, how could I go wrong with Jonathans and Winesaps? The crust is ok, but it is ok in the sense of better than not having any crust. Saturated fat for 1/8th of the galette is 4.895 grams with my changes. With my regular crust, it would have been 7g.

          • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
          • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
          in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of November 11, 2018? #13978

            For Sunday dinner we had the leftover Squash, Kale, and Mushroom Pilaf with some browned ground turkey mixed into it. Steamed broccoli was the side dish.

            in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of November 4, 2018? #13972

              I like to experiment at the farmers' market. By moving past my comfort zone on pie pumpkins, I discovered that I very much like the "peanut" pumpkin, as well as the blue-green one. Those latter two have an amazingly smooth and thick puree when processed. However, the Cinderella, as I reported last year, was a major disappointment--so much work for so little puree, and I was unimpressed with the taste. The white pumpkin falls into the "don't buy again" category.

              I used a delicate squash for the first time this week. Neither my husband nor I thought it had much flavor, but I might tray it again.

              I have a red (dark orange) kabocha squash that I bought as an experiment. I'll need to find out how best to use it. One website says the red version is sweeter than the green.

              in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of November 4, 2018? #13968

                Note on the white pumpkin I roasted: It does not have a strong pumpkin flavor. It's ok, and I'll use the puree, but I won't buy a white pumpkin again. I prefer the peanut pumpkin, the blue-green pumpkin, or the sugar/pie pumpkins.

                in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 4, 2018? #13967

                  Chocomouse--Yes, I did post that link, and I used the banana option. I'm glad you liked it.

                  • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
                  in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of November 4, 2018? #13963

                    Buckwheat Pumpkin waffles sound delicious, Len!

                    Saturday night’s dinner was salmon and couscous. I used 1 tsp. of Penzey’s Sunny Paris as the seasoning instead of dill. I wanted to make a maple-glazed salmon recipe, but my husband nixed it. At least I can alter the seasoning!

                    in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 4, 2018? #13962

                      I had been scouring the internet for a pumpkin-bran muffin recipe. I found one, but I also found a Pumpkin-Oat Bran recipe at Genius kitchen, and I decided to make that recipe to have with tea or as a healthy snack. I re-worked the recipe by grinding the oat bran and using whole wheat flour. I also used a whole egg, and buttermilk--with a subsequent adjustment of the baking powder and baking soda. If they are still as good tomorrow as they are today--i.e., moist--I will post the recipe. Healthy and delicious is always good!

                      in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of November 4, 2018? #13958

                        On Friday afternoon, I roasted the white pumpkin that I bought a few weeks ago at the farmers’ market. It has a paler interior than typical pumpkins, and the puree looks like applesauce with a very pale, yellow color. I’ll try baking with it and see how the flavor is.

                        For Friday dinner, I adapted a recipe from About Farm Fresh To You: Delicata Squash, Kale and Shitake Rice Pilaf. Here's the link:


                        I made enough changes to make it a different recipe. I deleted the cumin and chili powder. I used the ubiquitous white mushrooms, and I used a yellow onion. I also used powdered sage rather than fresh. I cooked my rice in the rice cooker in homemade chicken stock, then mixed everything together at the end. It tastes good and has a nice appearance on the plate. The roasted delicata squash does not have much flavor, but the presentation is nice. I think that the recipe would also be good with roasted butternut squash.

                        • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
                        in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 4, 2018? #13957

                          On Friday morning, I baked the single recipe of Lower-Fat Whole Wheat Sourdough Ranch Crackers from the dough I made up last week. These are tasty. I wish that I could remember how much Penzey's Ranch seasoning I used. I think it was 3 tsp., but I was distracted and did not write it down.

                          in reply to: What Happened to 2% Cheese? #13943

                            I will have to look for 2% cheese when we are in different areas.

                            The dairy fat issue is confusing--and I'm not convinced that it has been settled. In the past, I mostly did low-fat dairy because I used so much butter in my baking, and I hoped to offset it somewhat. I did switch from non-fat to 1% milk a couple of years ago and will not change back. My issue is that I had such a high LDL cholesterol number that the doctor tried to put me on Lipitor, and I asked for time to try lifestyle change, which the CMA (they never let you talk to the doctor), after communicating with the doctor, said I could try for three months until they re-test me. All she said was low-fat diet and exercise--no help--and I was also judged Vitamin D and calcium deficient, so I need more dairy in addition to supplements. I consulted a friend's daughter who has her M.A. in Dietetics and recently became a P.A. (She became a P.A. to help people BEFORE they are in negative health situations.) She said to focus on keeping saturated fat to less than 11g per day, so that is what I am doing, and to include exercise. I'm also eating more beans and have increased fruit and vegetables. I've kept eggs. I use more canola oil and more olive oil. Low-fat cheese gives me flexibility in how I stay below 11g. I've cut out almost all butter, although I may make an exception for a rare pie. As 1 Tbs. butter = 7g saturated fat, a single scone would put me close to the limit, and pie, oh, my.

                            The new food plan (and exercise) is for lowering cholesterol, but I have lost about 8 pounds in the twelve weeks since I began it, and pants have a better fit now.

                            • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
                            • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
                            • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
                            in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 4, 2018? #13936

                              Your bread sounds beautiful, and yummy, Joan!

                              I baked Skeptic’s Pumpkin Biscotti on Wednesday night. I followed the recipe except that I use white whole wheat flour, add 3 Tbs. powdered milk, and delete the vanilla. I also spritz the loaf and sprinkle with sugar-in-the-raw, which gives a nice sparkle and subtle flavor. We like this recipe a lot; this is the third time I’ve baked it this autumn.

                              in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of November 4, 2018? #13928

                                On Tuesdays, I used the mixed beans and barley I cooked yesterday to make two different soups. For my husband, who cannot tolerate hotter spices, I sautéed a little onion, some red bell pepper, and celery in olive oil, then added sliced mushrooms and a bit of garlic. After adding half of the defatted chicken drippings from a couple of days ago, I added half the beans and 1 tsp. Penzey’s Herbs de Provence. For me, I used more sautéed onion, bell pepper, and celery, then garlic and half the defatted chicken drippings. I added half the beans, two small cans of chopped tomatoes with chilies (bought before I realized I would have to give up tortilla chips due to the saturated fat content), and 1 tsp. Penzey’s Salsa and Pico that I bought during a promotion. It definitely gave a zippiness that I crave in a bean soup.

                                in reply to: What are you Baking the week of November 4, 2018? #13922

                                  KAF has a yeasted ginger pumpkin bread, which is slightly sweet, that I made about a month ago, substituting in some white whole wheat flour and oil for the butter. It's good as a sweet bread. We had it along with breakfast and as an accompaniment at tea time.

                                  Stella's pumpkin yeast bread recipe is very good for chicken sandwiches. I think it would be great with ham or with most cheeses.

                                  • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
                                  • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by BakerAunt.
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