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  • in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of March 15, 2020? #22188

      This week I made carnitas which we had in tacos two nights. I also made broccoli fried rice and then mixed in leftover carnitas one night.

      I had four meals from carnitas and two from the fried rice. I think we're running low on rice. I can find basmati but might wife prefers jasmine. But she might have to eat basmati.

      in reply to: Bagels #22187

        Look great! Like BA, I am working up the nerve to make them. Three ounces of dough sounds good. Do you know how much the finished bagels weighed. This has become my new quest - to figure out how much mixed dough will yield after proofing and rising and baking.

        It probably varies from recipe to recipe based on ingredients but I'd love to see a rule of thumb.

        in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22186

          Yes. We have made that legal here too.

          My wife found 10 pounds of KAF bread flour online at Walmart today and it has been appearing briefly on store shelves here. So KAF must be restocking. Have not heard boo from BRM. I found a spare 5 pound bag of KAF bread flour in the basement today too!

          in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22159

            I think some stores just don't get it! Target and Costco are making people come to the store to buy stuff!

            We have done more baking then normal. I made some breakfast cookies that used rolled oats and almond butter. We didn't have almond butter so we subbed in sunflower butter. NOT A GOOD SUBSTITUTION! I doubled the vanilla and cinnamon. Should have doubled the honey too (just a tablespoon). I was the only one who liked them.

            in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22110

              Just received an email from KAF today telling me my 3/14 order had shipped including WWW, pastry, and cake flour. Still no bread flour to be had.

              in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22092

                My new favorite COVID-19 conspiracy theory is that it was started by dogs so their people would have to stay home and spend more time with them!

                in reply to: What are you Cooking the week of March 15, 2020? #22081

                  I made carnitas last night. It was about three pounds of pork butt after trimming the fat.

                  First time I've made it in a while. I forgot how easy it is and how much I like it.

                  in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22080

                    My friend just announced on Facebook that they will be turning to delivery and take out only. Most of the delivery services offer contact-less delivery.

                    But, most of the restaurants in town make most of their money off bar items and drinks cannot be delivered so this will put a big strain on their margins.

                    My friend with a liquor store has also started delivery.

                    in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22051

                      A little bit of positive in all this - my oldest and I played catch for the first time in years. We used to play catch and work on batting every day. He played catcher and I marked out the distance from home plate to second base and we practiced making the through.

                      Then he stopped playing and we stopped playing. And yesterday he pulled out one of our gloves so I pulled out another and we played catch.

                      in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22048

                        Colleges and universities began closing last week. Many of our friends now find themselves with kids at home they did not expect to have there. Plus, talking to a cashier at the local Whole Foods, Thursday night when the local public schools closed, the place went nuts. She said they would continue to restock shelves and they will stay open. So places like KAF and Bob's may have run out but they will restock their supply chain. It remains to be seen if this increased demand has peaked or if people will grab and hoard. At some point they will feel as if they have enough. WF had no eggs at one store and a few dozen at the second but they said they expect more to come in tomorrow. And the WF that was out of coffee Friday had restocked today...

                        Minneapolis schools are closing now which is new since I was there Thursday but things develop very quickly.

                        in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #22037

                          It's interesting.. Many of you are in the Midwest and when I am in Minneapolis this does not seem to be a big deal. A few more people are working from home and a few more people are staying home when they feel sick but life was (as of Thursday) proceeding pretty normally.

                          Home in CT things are a lot more amped up. I think first with the NBA shutting down, then colleges, then public schools this has become suddenly serious for a lot of people. If I look at the map the NY Times sent this is heavily concentrated on the coasts and from New York to Washington is a big hot zone.

                          I have some flours coming from KAF and Bob's to supplement what I already have. I cannot find KAF bread flour anywhere although I can find the organic online. Costco had no paper towels or toilet paper but plenty of napkins. I had lots of toilet paper because I'd stocked up when it was on sale. I was waiting to do the same with paper towels but then the corona virus hit and Costco was wiped out. I still have about 18 rolls and Whole Foods had them yesterday and customers are limited to one package (three rolls).

                          My flights to Birmingham were cancelled and Delta was trying to rebook me but I decided to skip travel, at least this week.

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                          in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of March 8, 2020? #22019

                            Mike, you're right. The practice of taking challah is setting aside a certain amount of what you've made as a sacrifice. Challah derives it's name from the act.

                            I should have made pie today but I bought one instead.

                            in reply to: Covid-19 Discussions and Stories #21988

                              Interesting move by Canlis Restaurant in Seattle. Canlis is a well known, long established, fine dining restaurant.

                              in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of March 8, 2020? #21987

                                Well, we Jews have been spread around the world and our traditions vary as much as the countries where we lived/live.

                                I was raised by German Jews with very different traditions from what many consider "Jewish". Most of what is Jewish in the US is poorer, Eastern European Jews. One of my best friends growing up was being raised by a mom and dad who were from Iraq and Iran respectively. Not only did they have different traditions but there are some significant differences in Jewish law between the different groups at a macro level. At a micro level different rabbis have different interpretations and their followers follow those.

                                It's pretty complicated even for those of us born into Judaism and the more I learn the less I know.

                                in reply to: What are You Baking the Week of March 8, 2020? #21967

                                  Thanks for the article on challah. Mine would not be kosher either because my kitchen isn't. I mean a I bake it in an oven I also use to cook carnitas and make sausage pizza.

                                  While much of this I've heard and read I'm not sure about some parts of it like the Kohen (should be plural "kohanim") being the poorest of people. They were the high priests back when we had high priests and were considered the highest class of our people.

                                  The more I learn the less I know...

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