What Did You Bake the Week of July 31, 2016?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What Did You Bake the Week of July 31, 2016?

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      On Sunday evening, I baked a blueberry pie that had some issues (see separate thread). However, I highly recommend the buttermilk crust that I tried for the first time in the KAF Anniversary Cookbook (just sub in some whole wheat pastry flour with the KAF flour). On Monday, I baked a new recipe for Honey Oatmeal Bread (see separate thread), and I baked it again Saturday afternoon. It made excellent BLTs. (I had homegrown tomatoes from a friend!). This past week two different friends gave us zucchini, so on Wednesday, I baked the Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread from the KAF site (with a few changes). I also baked an adaptation of a half recipe of The Shipyard Galley's Zucchini Muffins (KAF site again). 1/3 cup cinnamon chips made a great addition, which we've been eating for breakfast. I still have four large zucchini to use.

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      Mike Nolan

        My wife made monster cookies using M&M S'Mores, they added an interesting flavor to the cookies (but they also made them not gluten-free.)


          I didn't bake anything. Early in the week, maybe Sunday, I developed what I thought was an allergy to tomatoes. The problem persisted even when I backed away from the wonderful tomatoes from the farmer's market. Today, I Googled and discovered I may have something related to a chronic health problem. I hope to return to baking on Tuesday.


            I didn't bake anything. Early in the week, maybe Sunday, I developed what I thought was an allergy to tomatoes. The problem persisted even when I backed away from the wonderful tomatoes from the farmer's market. Today, I Googled and discovered I may have something related to a chronic health problem. I hope to return to baking on Tuesday.


              I didn't bake anything. Early in the week, maybe Sunday, I developed what I thought was an allergy to tomatoes. The problem persisted even when I backed away from the wonderful tomatoes from the farmer's market. Today, I Googled and discovered I may have something related to a chronic health problem. I hope to return to baking on Tuesday.

              • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Italiancook.

                I actually baked this week! Some of it was probably therapeutic due to the fact that my elder son was hit by a car early Sunday morning. He was walking and the car drove off. He was with a friend - yes they'd been drinking, but they don't drink and drive and they were off on Sunday. He walked home, showered and then called me to take him to the ER 2:30am). As everyone in the hospital said, the drinking probably saved him from worse injury. After running 15 tests, there were no internal injuries and no broken bones, but lots of nasty road burns. He is so much better today and should be back to work by Wed.

                Anyway, I made cornbread on Tuesday to go with chicken salad and 2 batches of Toffee Brownie Crackle this weekend.


                  Made cake donuts and glazed chocolate donuts with my niece's cake pop machine. Had the kids do the glazing and decorating and they took the majority of them home. Also made mini blueberry pies - cheated and bought the little premade graham crusts. Mixed the blueberries with cornstarch, sugar and water before filling the crusts. Chilled in frig. Been snacking on those all week.

                  Joan Simpson

                    Pulled my sourdough starter out of fridge and got it revived and made 2 loaves of bread.Enjoyed doing that as I've not been making bread in awhile,shame on me.@cwcdesign praying your son will be alright.


                      Thank you for your prayers, Joan. He will be 28 tomorrow.

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