What are you Cooking the Week of May 26, 2024?

Home Forums Cooking — (other than baking) What are you Cooking the Week of May 26, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      Nothing special planned for Memorial Day (officially tomorrow) here.

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        I made yogurt on Sunday.

        My husband wanted to try chicken for dinner tonight, so I roasted two bone-in chicken breasts. I made an accompanying stir-fry with cooked bulgur, mushrooms, red bell pepper, and more of the kale from the pot my husband has growing on the porch. The meal worked for Scott, although he still is chewing mostly on one side.

        We are also not doing anything special meal-wise for Memorial Day.

        Mike Nolan

          We had a beef and broccoli stir fry with cauliflower rice.

          Joan Simpson

            I went to my friends for a cookout today. We had hamburgers, hot dogs, slaw , chili, french fries and onion rings. Carrot cake was dessert.


              Joan, that's all of Nature's perfect foods, I'm jealous!

              I had a pork sandwich on a fresh baked bun with green beans and carrots.


                I grilled "Happy Foods Tube" boneless marinated chicken thighs and served them with roasted potatoes and mixed greens salad with several herbs from my pots. The next night I made chicken sandwiches with the leftover chicken. Will make this recipe again.

                Mike Nolan

                  We're having leftovers tonight, and will try some of the keto test rolls.

                  Joan Simpson

                    I agree Len that was all of Nature's perfect foods and so dang good.

                    Today I had rotisserie chicken and a big salad and corn on the cob.

                    Mike Nolan

                      Joan, I'd add deviled eggs and potato salad to your list of perfect cookout foods.


                        We had leftovers from last night for dinner.

                        I like all the cookout foods mentioned. I might add a pasta salad.


                          Tonight we had baked haddock, ramen noodles, and asparagus.

                          Mike Nolan

                            We had leftover rotisserie chicken on the small buns/rolls from the keto ingredients test.

                            The base recipe, which uses vital wheat gluten, was good, it tastes a lot like a wheat bread but with far less carbs. A 25 gram roll is about 4 carbs total. 25 grams of wheat bread would be more like 12 carbs.

                            There are two eggs in the original recipe, which makes about 24 ounces of dough, but it doesn't taste 'eggy'.

                            Of the 'extra' ingredients that I tested, I liked the sesame seed and the oat fiber ones best. I wonder if they pair well together?

                            I couldn't find my pecan meal so I used walnut meal, and the walnut taste is a bit too assertive for a sandwich bread. Might be good in a keto-friendly carrot cake, or maybe with some cream cheese.

                            I didn't try the almond flour and sunflower flour ones this evening. Diane didn't like the sunflower one much.

                            The flax one confirmed what I have suspected about keto recipes that use flax, it adds a flavor that I don't think complements the other keto-friendly ingredients. I suspect it's there because it's 'healthy'. The whey protein isolate may also be another 'healthy' ingredient, to be honest I don't know what whey protein isolate is, other than the health food stores have a lot of it on the shelf. Maybe it has a role in baking I'm not aware of that wasn't obvious in this test.

                            Mike Nolan

                              I'm making a batch of baked custard tonight.


                                We finished the roast chicken breast meat tonight. My husband had his with the rest of the bulgur stir-fry, and I had mine with curried butternut squash soup from the freezer. I froze a lot of that soup; it is very handy to pull out a container whenever I want it.


                                  I marinated chicken thighs which my husband cooked on the grill along with roasting potatoes. We also had the last of the garden's asparagus and a green salad with lettuce and spinach from a planter on the deck. Today I planted Early Girl and Amish paste tomatoes in the garden.

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