What are you Cooking the Week of February 2, 2025?

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  • #45460

      I made yogurt on Wednesday.

      We finished off the hamburger stroganoff and brown and wild rice mix. We microwaved frozen mixed vegetables to go with it.

      Joan Simpson

        I had steak and sliced tomatoes.


          I had turkey breast, green beans and carrots, and noodles.


            Tonight I'm going to have the last of the turkey breast, probably with mashed potato and brussels sprouts.

            Joan Simpson

              Tonight I had a hamburger patty with sliced tomatoes.


                I made the fish and chips recipe again on Thursday. That allowed me to use the other half of the egg left from making them on Tuesday and to use the rest of the Dill Tartar sauce. We also microwaved fresh broccoli.

                Mike Nolan

                  We had a rotisserie chicken before going to see Moulin Rouge the Musical tonight. Great show!

                  Mike Nolan

                    It was pizza night here.


                      For dinner on Friday, I thawed the turkey breast and the gravy from a couple of weeks ago and some turkey broth. I sauteed mushrooms and sliced celery in avocado oil, then added the broth, sliced carrots, and the gravy, along with dried parsley, thyme, sage, and rosemary. Once the carrots softened, I stirred in the chopped turkey, which quickly absorbed the liquid. I added cooked noodles with some of the pasta water. My husband is always impressed with these improvisational meals, and we have leftovers, which makes me happy.


                        I went for a walk on the beach after work with my manager and her dog - another day in the low 70's after our ice storm two weeks ago. Came home and made a cheese sandwich with toasted sourdough. Just right


                          I made a little chicken veg soup and had it with a burger.

                          The soup had fresh mushrooms, green beans, carrots and celery. I sauteed the mushrooms, added a boneless chicken thigh from the freezer, simmered it in a little water and chicken broth until it was tender, added the vegs and more chicken broth, simmered until the vegs were tender. It was delicious, have some leftover for tomorrow's lunch.

                          Joan Simpson

                            I had a hamburger patty, mushrooms and tomatoes.


                              I spent the morning making a huge pot of chili for the fishing derby workers tomorrow, and a huge pot of corn chowder for some of our meals the next few days. We are predicted to get another storm of 5 inches or so of snow overnight. We are just about finished cleaning up after Thursday's five inches.

                              Joan Simpson

                                Tonight I had chili from the freezer and corn bread.

                                Stay warm chocomouse and I hope your snow storm will not be bad.


                                  We had more of the turkey, noodles, and vegetables that I made yesterday for dinner on Saturday.

                                  We had some sleet in the early afternoon, along with very light snow. This evening, more light snow is falling.

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