What are You Baking the Week of May 17, 2020?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are You Baking the Week of May 17, 2020?

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  • #24078

      Thank you chocomouse!

      Haven’t tried it yet, but I have to put in an order next. I can add it in. I’m always looking for healthy carbs.


        Skeptic--The Pain du Chocolat was baked last week. With 1/3 whole grain, it did not have an overly wheat flavor. The sourdough bread that I baked this week was almost 2/3 whole wheat, so it had a more assertive whole wheat flavor.

        Joan Simpson

          Welcome back cwcdesign,glad you're still around!

          Mike Nolan

            BA, shouldn't chocolate be the dominant flavor in a pain au chocolat? 🙂


              Mike--Oh, the chocolate did dominate, especially as I used two sticks per roll. 30 seconds in the microwave re-warmed them enough to make the chocolate melty. My husband, however, ate the rest of his share without re-warming, as he didn't want to wait to get to the chocolate, not even 30 seconds.


                Thanks for the information. I hope to try it soon. I bought some square 1/2 by 1/2 wood doweling and with the help of a lot of aluminum foil plan to make my own molds. I am going to save the last of my whole wheat flour for this.

                Saturday I made plain white flour scones to eat with strawberries. A little tough I think I over mixed them. Its odd baking with only white flour again. Its going to take time to get in practice.


                  Thank you Joan! How are you holding up in SW Georgia with all the crazy weather and spikes of virus in your neck of the woods? I'm just waiting for spikes within the next couple of weeks because everybody from everywhere has decided to come to the coast and congregate in groups with no masks. We're all just trying to stay out of the way.

                  Chocomouse - KAF is also out of Superblend 10 right now.


                    I am feeling so privileged to live 10 miles from KAF right now. I don't have to rely on orders through their catalogue. We can call the main store number, and pick up our order curbside within a few hours. From what I have heard, they are well stocked and you can pretty much get whatever you want. I have not had to do this, but I cannot imagine not knowing where my next bag of flour might come from, or when!

                    Mike Nolan

                      Joan, I just tried to send you an email and it bounced, apparently you've changed email addresses since you registered for this site in 2016.

                      If you don't want to update the email address in your profile or send me your current email address (nolan at tssi dot com), I'm OK with that.

                      Joan Simpson

                        I just emailed you Mike,I'm still at same email.It's under my husbands name,we share a email

                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Joan Simpson.
                        Joan Simpson

                          Cwcdesign we're doing good here.People are going like crazy but most restaurants are still on very limited seating.We've not been out but I wouldn't be surprised if the virus doesn't spike again.I've talked with a few people that still works at a Cracker Barrell and they said some servers didn't want to go back to work because they are making more on unemployment.That's sad.

                          Mike Nolan

                            Actually, I was trying to reach Chocomouse, I think her first name is Joan, too. 🙂

                            Mike Nolan

                              Of course virus rates will go up as things reopen, that's what flattening the curve means, the shutdown doesn't mean the virus just goes away, most experts think we'll be living with CV19 for many years, just like we live with a dozen or more flu strains and many other pathogen-spread illnesses. The goal was and remains to keep the health care systems from being overloaded. The extent to which that worked will be debated for many years.


                                Mike, check your email.


                                  Mike, I did go into my profile and update my email. My provider of 35 years shut down last fall. But I have not received an email to confirm yet. Maybe it doesn't show up quickly? I'll double check to make sure I didn't have a typo. Yes, my first name is Joan, too.

                                  Edit: yes, my profile shows the change is "pending".

                                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by chocomouse.
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