Vintage Cookbooks

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        Thanks BA. I really enjoyed that video! Can't believed Glen licked the bowl at the end. That is something I do even if it's not kosher.


          Glen always licks the mixing spoon.


            Very interesting article, BakerAunt. Today I received the new KA Big Book of Bread from Amazon. I haven't looked through it all yet and am enjoying it immensely. I LOVE reading cookbooks. I have at least 300 cookbooks (no exaggeration). I buy them new, at the thrift, library book sales, library discards, Thrift books online, antique shops, etsy, used book stores, flea markets, etc. I have a bunch from my mother and grandmother. I'm obsessed with them! πŸ˜‚ I've found lots of good recipes. Anyone else have this disease?

            Mike Nolan

              Anyone else have this disease?

              Yup, sure do. I haven't counted the total number of cookbooks we have, it wouldn't surprise me if it was well over 300. They're in the kitchen, in the living room and on quite a few shelves in the basement, plus ones I moved downstairs but haven't put away yet.

              I keep meaning to catalog them. I need an app that does speech-to-text for cataloging stuff.


                I, too, have the cookbook disease. I even have some Bon Appetit magazines that I need to go through to see if there are any recipes that I might cook or bake. (We won't talk about the piles of cut out and printed from the internet recipes that I have.) I gave up cabinet space in my small kitchen for a large, three shelf bookcase, and I have a row of cookbooks on top of it. Out in our Annex, I have two bookcases of cookbooks. I easily have over 300.

                I need to look up some recipes from them to try.


                  I'm glad I'm not the only one! πŸ˜‚

                  Mike Nolan

                    Playing with Otter, a speech-to-text app for iPhone, to see if I could use it to verbally record a list of books. Looks like it might work, and that should save a lot of typing.


                      I have a lot of cookbooks also - commercial books by "known" authors and spiral-bound books from mostly women's groups. Except for a few recipes from some of them, I rarely use them. A couple of weeks ago, I pulled out my Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home and am determined (when life settles down) to select a few recipes to make. I'll let you all know when that actually happens! If there are any apple recipes in the book, that might be soon!

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