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      Can you search for all recipes listed under a member's name? I was thinking about shaboom and wondering how to see her recipes.

      Spread the word

        Kimbob--If you just put shaboom in the search box, it will bring up any reference. I just did that, and it brought up your question, and a recipe for pineapple upside down muffins that Brian posted for her.

        She does not appear to have any other recipes on this site, so if there were more, they likely did not get transferred. In the chaos of King Arthur's abrupt shutdown of the Baking Circle, many of us tried to save what we could, and Zen said that she had saved them all, but we never got access to Zen's trove, I think in part because they were saved in a way that removed the author's names.

        Mike Nolan

          The advanced search feature has the ability to search specific areas (ie, recipes only) or tye author field, but in the case of something posted by someone else with the original author's name as a reference, that's just a free text search.

          I don't think shaboom was ever a member of this site.

          I've tried to contact Zen to see if I could get access to her archive, but she hasn't responded to my emails, maybe she's not online these days? Anybody in touch with her?


            Shaboom never posted her recipes even on the old BC as she had her own site where she posted them. In 2010, when KA upgraded their site/platform, Shaboom did not like the change and stopped coming to the BC at all after that.

            In 2016, KA decided to use Facebook as their platform instead of the BC. Many of us oldsters from the many versions of the BC did not think this was their best decision and we don't follow it as a result.

            Here are all of Shaboom's recipes from her site:



              Thanks, all. Yes, I did see the recipe that Brian put there referencing it was for Shaboom. Swirth, I didn't realize shaboom never posted her recipes on the old bc. I was looking for a blueberry loaf that she had posted but have since found it in my binder. My husband loves that recipe. As for me, it's ok. Lol thanks for the link to her site. I think she posted recipes in the comment sections of the bc. I'm not on facebook and have no desire to go there, either. Thanks for checking, Mike.


                Actually, BakerAunt, Brian's recipe looks pretty darn good and I printed it out!


                  Mike, I haven't been in touch with Zen in a while, but I'll reach out and see if my contact information is still good. I think we lost touch after Cindy died, both going off in our own directions.

                  I tried FB once for an art class and never did anything else with it. All my mom's friends tried to get her to join and I convinced her not to - it was the last thing she needed!

                  I know several people, including Will, who are no longer using it.

                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by cwcdesign.

                    Many BCers put recipes in the threads rather than under their name & Recipe Section...we lost many hundreds of them when trying to copy all we could before the BC closed in 2016.

                    I found Shaboom's Blueberry Bread at her site...says she revamped in 2018:



                      Thank you, Swirth! It's a very moist bread which is one of the reasons hub likes it plus blueberries are his fav. He doesn't like anything dry. πŸ™„πŸ˜‘ picky, picky. Lol

                      Mike Nolan

                        I had a FB account at the company I worked for but maybe used it twice.

                        My wife was big on Farmville for a while (a Zynga game on FB) but lost interest. She keeps in touch with a few people on FB, including my sister and possibly one of my brothers, but I've never gotten into it and don't care if I ever do.

                        I do use Instagram a little, which I think is owned by FB these days, but I don't check it very often and seldom post to it.

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