Thanks. I found the article. Pretty interesting but this happens a lot across all industries. I've seen it in tech numerous times in my life. In his first book Lahey says that what he is doing is his spin on techniques he learned while studying sculpture in Italy.
No-knead techniques were probably around long before the middle 20th century, but the NY Times article was well-written, and well-publicized. Timing and who you know is always important.
Remember, Leibniz and Newton both came up with calculus, but Newton got most of the credit.
Was listening to a podcast that covered the Oreo v Hydrox battle and Hydrox was the original, while Oreo was the knock-off. At religious school and temple functions we always had Hydrox because up until the 90s Oreos used lard.
While thinking of cookies there used to be a chocolate chip cookie that was around silver dollar size and crisp, not chewy, it came in a box covered by foil, mostly brown and silver as I recall. I haven't seen it in decades, I'm sure it is long gone.