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  • #46

      A big thank you for getting this up and on it's way so our baking family can reunite.

      Spread the word
      Mike Nolan

        You're quite welcome, I know I'd miss everyone, too. I hope a lot of the BC-ers come over. But the real key to maintaining and building a viable online community will be to bring in newcomers. That'll take some promotion work on my part.


          Hi Rascals! I've already commented on a members news post


            Thanks Mike. I look forward to a continuing baking community - or communities!
            Changed my name from "ncgnet" used on KAF site to NancyG.


              Just wanted to say hi and thank you for starting this website. I didn't contribute very much to the King Arthur forum but I read it a lot. Thanks

              Renee (alias Cocoowner)


                Hi Mike, thanks so much for setting up a website similar (maybe better) than the KA Baking Circle. Due to my husband's illness, I've not been active for a number of years. But had recently decided to attempt SOurdough and logged in the KA message board to do research and was shocked to learn it was being shut down. Feels like being kicked out of the family. Even though I didn't need y'all all the time, I always knew the "family" was there if I needed helping with my baking.

                I spent all weekend reading ALL the Sourdough threads. There were twenty something of them and there is so much valuable information for bakers like me. Such a loss. When we all get settled down, I'll start a thread on Tips for sourdough bakers.

                Again, thanks much. Jeanelle (msbelle)

                • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by msbelle.
                • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by msbelle.
                Nina Beyt

                  I thanked Mike privately but not publicly. Three cheers, Mike! You're one of the ones I would truly have missed.


                    Thanks Mike! And I agree with you on garlic-- I, too, have visited northern Italy-- Turin and Como-- no garlic!

                    Mike Nolan

                      I have all my recipes from the King Arthur Baking Circle posted here now.

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