What are you Baking the Week of July 7, 2024?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are you Baking the Week of July 7, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      Probably no baking here for a while.

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        I mixed up dough for chocolate cookies with mini M&Ms. They are chilling to be scooped and baked in the morning.

        Joan Simpson

          Len I want to make your Rye bread but I like Caraway seeds so when would I add them in your recipe?

          Mike Nolan

            I add them in with all the other ingredients. I have a couple of recipes that call for ground caraway, it is an interesting change from caraway seeds getting stuck in your teeth, but I can never decide if the caraway flavor is more intense.

            Joan Simpson

              Thanks Mike.


                Joan, I like to add caraway, dill seed (not weed), and onion to my rye breads. I bet you'd like those also.

                Today I baked most of the chocolate cookie dough. I was disappointed in the outcome -- they did not spread or flatten at all, and are very "cakey". But the flavor is excellent and I really like them with the small M & Ms. Next time I'll use one of my preferred cookies recipes instead of the "on the bag" recipe.


                  We had some rain in the early evening that cooled down the heat, so I seized the opportunity to use the rest of the black raspberries in a white whole wheat oatmeal muffin. The basic recipe comes from one for strawberry oatmeal muffins that I found online at a website by Melissa Moore, a RND. I substitute the white whole wheat flour and add a tablespoon of milk powder. I cut the vanilla to ½ tsp. and the salt to ¼ tsp. I did not add any spice, as I want the black raspberries to star.


                    Len I want to make your Rye bread but I like Caraway seeds so when would I add them in your recipe?

                    Joan, is this the rye recipe?

                    I looked up the recipe I based it on and it calls for 1 tablespoon of caraway seed in the starter and 2 tablespoons in the dough ingredients from the beginning. That recipe is for 2 loaves so if you're making one loaf per my recipe, you'd cut that in half.

                    I made a batch of sandwich/burger buns today.

                    Joan Simpson

                      Thanks Len, I made the starter last night, I have the dough mixed and is rising now. I'll post when it comes out of the oven. I added one and a fourth teaspoon of caraway and a tablespoon of onion flakes like Chocomouse Suggested, I didn't have dill seed.The bread is good, I can surely improve it's a little heavy, it may be better tomorrow but I am pleased.Your instructions were spot on, I got 9 buns at 95-97grams and baked them on my new hamburger bun pans.I measured everything with a scale. I had breakfast for supper.It was good..


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                      Mike Nolan

                        Len was the Old Milwaukee bread based on the one in Ginsberg's book? I've made that one and we liked it a lot.


                          Mike, the recipe is on Food dot com, Old Milwaukee Rye

                          Reference is made to Bernard Clayton. I'm not familiar with Ginsberg's book.

                          Mike Nolan

                            Stanley Ginsberg's book, The Rye Baker, has 78 rye bread recipes in it. At one time I had started a project to make them all, but life got in the way more than once, though I did get through over a dozen of them, with some notable successes and two failures. I'm hoping I can resume working on this in 2025 once we reach our goal weights.

                            See https://mynebraskakitchen.com/wordpress/forums/topic/coming-through-the-rye/

                            He doesn't give sources for most of his recipes, this one has a one-day sponge inoculated with a rye sour starter. A rye sour starter is not difficult to get going and maintain.


                              I remember your rye project. Sounds very interesting. I wonder if it is the same recipe.


                                Joan, I'm glad you like it, I always worry that my recipes won't work for others. Your bread looks great!

                                Joan Simpson

                                  Thanks Len!

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