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I had transplanted 10 bunches of chives last year to the other side of the garden. These are doing fine. I've have maybe 1/4 of the original chives left. The smaller plants are definitely dead but some of the larger chives survived. I think I'll leave the survivors alone and see if they will recover. I don't need to replace my chives.
Kid Pizza;
I am so glad that your operation was successful and that you had a happy birthday! I hope the rest of your recovery is easy.I've made gluten free corn bread for friends, but I do this by going Southern style and using an all corn meal cornpone recipe or a spoon bread recipe. I've made pumpkin cornsticks which are not only gluten free, but also vegan.
Here is the Southern cornpone and them my pumpkin variant.
Buttermilk Pone bread
from Down-Home Wholesome by Danella Carter page 101
Copyright 1995, Dutton Signet, Penguin Books, New York, New York 10014This is a no-nonsense bread made the way a lot of Southerners make it. Unlike a lot of the cornmeal breads of the North, this one is free of sugar and eggs.
2 cups cornmeal
1 cup boiling water
1 cup 1 percent fat buttermilk
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt.Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Butter an 8 inch square baking pan, In a large mixing bowl, combine the cornmeal with the boiling water. Mix the buttermilk with the baking soda and add to the cornmeal, along with the salt. Beat thoroughly and pour into the baking pan. Bake for 30 minutes, until brown on top. Cut into squares, Make 9 squares
Pumpkin cornbread variant, made in cast-iron corn stick pan
2 cups cornmeal
1 cup boiling water
1 -1/4 cup pumpkin puree
4 teaspoons baking powder
oil for corn stick panThis variant is dairy free, egg-free, gluten-free and can be easily made low-salt.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the cornmeal with the boiling water. Mix in the pumpkin puree. Sprinkle the baking powder on top and mix in thoroughly. Add a spoonful or two more of pumpkin if the dough seems too dry.
Heat the oven to 400 degrees. The lower temperature is due to the cast iron pan that absorbs heat well. Oil the cornstalk pans generously using a brush to get oil in all the crevices. This is the only fat in the recipe so there is no reason to be stingy. Enough oil gives a fried texture to the bottom of the bread and allow for an easy release.
Spoon the dough into the cornstalk pans just to the top. This fills my cornstalk pan -- 5 decorative corn ears -- twice. Filling the indentations too generously reduces the number of ears from 10 to 9.
Bake for 30 minutes until done and pulling away from the sides. Let cool 10 minutes and then remove the corn sticks. They should be prettily brown on the bottom and come out cleanly.I was reading Consumer Reports about arsenic levels in rice too. Basmati rice has lower levels than most other forms of rice and I am now eating mainly that type.
White rice has less arsenic than brown rice as some of the arsenic is in the bran. I've stuck to eating brown rice as its suppose to be less caloric.I'd wash it with hot water and soap, a couple of times first. How do you feel about strong chemicals? If you are trying to avoid them, let it soak in a vinager and water solution, then let it sit in the sun. The ultraviolet in the sun should kill the mold and the smell.
If you don't worry that much about chemicals, disinfect with a mild bleach solution and then sun it to kill the odor.Also keep an eye out for another container in thrift stores, you might be lucky and it wouldn't hurt to have a spare
I baked spinach pizza and KA sausage and cheese biscuits. The last was interesting and I was teasing a friend that he couldn't eat it sober. I could barely stand to buy the ingredients sober, 3/4 lb breakfast sausage, 1/2 cup butter and 1 cup cheese, are just overwhelming in the amount of fat. They were tasty and full of fat. I took them to a Martial Arts Class Sunday and they were well recieved there. Oh I gave the last two to my friend, who had them with a shot of vodka.
I also made a foccacio with oregano leaves in the dough and topped with rosemary sprigs.I had spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint and pineapple mint growing next to each other. I only planted these four years ago. They all grew nicely the first year. The second year I found it hard to tell chocolate mint and peppermint apart, but I assumed some of each still survived. Last year the pineapple mint was so swamped by the spearmint that I could only find one little plant. I rescued it and grew it in a pot all summer and then planted it in its own spot. The main mint bed consisted of peppermint and spearmint warring on each other last year. This year the spearmint came up but I can't find any peppermint/chocolate mint. Either it was swallowed by the spearmint or its just late sprouting.
So I am the only person who has killed or nearly killed mint. Does anyone have a recipe for lemon balm? That is flourishing mightily.Hello there. I am finally checking in, I have spent the last two weeks mourning KAF Baking circle. I hope you all are doing well. Has Mrs. Cindy left any messages?