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I knew this.
Joan, so sorry to hear about your Moomie buns. It's disheartening to go to all that work and ingredients' expense just to have to feed the trash.
I knew the correct answer to this, but I clicked the wrong one.
chocomouse, I hope you see this. I made KABC Blueberry Coffee Cake with Lemon Streusel last night. As you suggested, I used the KABC Lemon Juice Powder in the Streusel. I didn't have lemon oil, and the powder was adequate for giving the streusel a nice lemony flavor. I also didn't have candied lemon peel and didn't want to take the time to make it. I substituted an equal amount of chopped walnuts for the candied peel. Worked out great.
Making this was a calamity of errors. I mixed up the cake directions with the streusel directions. So I softened 2 tablespoons too much butter in the microwave. After I was mixing the streusel, I glanced at recipe and discovered it was only to have 6 tablespoons butter, not 8. I was able to pull out about 2 tablespoons butter & all was saved . . . I thought. But I didn't catch my second mistake at that time.
I halved the streusel recipe, because KABC recipes call for more streusel than I like. That meant I should have used 3 tablespoons butter for the streusel, not the 6 tablespoons! Not one to quit, I decided to fly with it and hope it wouldn't make the coffee cake oily.
Then came the blueberries. I was a few days too late with this recipe; both pints of blueberries had some mold. I threw away the moldy ones and salvaged the good ones. I ended up with a scan 1-1/2 cup blueberries instead of 2 cups. And, lots of hope that I wouldn't make us sick by using such old blueberries.
Back to the streusel. Because it had double the amount of butter, it was a globby mess instead of a streusel. I broke off chunks of it and placed them around the batter. Hoping the butter would melt enough to spread out. It did and my husband didn't even suspect the error. In spite of the problems, the coffee cake is delicious & kept nicely covered with foil until this morning. chocomouse, I didn't use the lemon powder in the batter, as you suggested. I like the product and lemon, but I thought it'd be more lemon than I like if I included it in the batter.
Has anyone worked with the KABC Lime Juice Powder?
After a couple days' misses, I knew this one.
On Saturday, I made Deviled Short Ribs from Cook-Ahead Cookery and a batch of fresh green beans. We've been eating those with a potato this week.
BakeAunt, I took a page from your book with the beans. After I put the beans in a container, I had quite a bit of broth left. In the past, I would have tossed it. But you often post about using leftover liquids for other purposes. My go-to pot roast recipe uses 2 cups vegetable liquid. Normally, I use the liquid from the cans of vegetables I also partially put into the roasting pan. This time, I saved a pint of the green bean broth for the freezer for the next pot roast. Thanks! The roast will be more delicious than normal.
I was in a hurry to satisfy a cake craving. I made KABC (that Doesn't roll off the typewriter) Vanilla Cake Pan Cake for the 2nd time. First time, I noted that it doesn't taste vanilla in spite of a tablespoon of vanilla. I suggested to myself that next time I also add some vanilla bean. But I didn't do that today. I was also craving chocolate frosting and didn't want the extra vanilla to detract from the chocolate. I frosted it with the Creamy Chocolate Frosting. Since the cake is in an 8" pan, I had leftover frosting that I froze.
Should vanilla bean be added to the dry or to the wet ingredients?
Even though I had a 50% chance of being right, I missed this. First, because I've never used this vinegar. Second, I'm inconsistent with how I store vinegar. I keep white and cider vinegar in the pantry. I refrigerate red wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar.
cwdesign, I give you my condolences.
I started this thread in 2018. Now, two years later, I have inspired a new pizza baker. After seeing a cell phone picture of my artichoke and bacon pizza, a friend in another state asked for my recipe. I sent her my adaptation of KAF's Now or Later Pizza recipe and's 20-minute Pizza recipe with 2 typos corrected so she'll have success with it.
We prefer the KAF recipe, but it requires semolina and is more involved. By the time she orders what she needs, she might be out of the mood, so I included the quick recipe to keep her motivated with a quick success. She has a Pampered Chef pizza pan that's billed to make crispy pizza bottom, so I think she'll be okay with Jenny Jones' recipe as a starter.
Thanks, cwdesign, for the recipe for roasted frozen veggies. I mix steamed frozen broccoli with 2 tablespoons butter and keep thinking there has to be a more healthful way to deal with the product. Now I know!
Sorry to hear about the countertop dilemma.
I knew this and have 2 of them in my vegetble/fruit bin.
I wondered if they changed the name because they're expecting all the new Covid bakers to continue to bake. Perhaps they want to accentuate the fact that they offer so much more than flour. But then I thought about all the time that goes into changing a name and logo and packaging and web design and decided they were working on this before Covid. The new logo doesn't bother me, perhaps because I have no idea what their old logo was.
I read the article about this change on the website. I didn't see anything in it about their web address changing. But when it typed in, I noticed that on the site, it had changed to I wonder if will eventually not work.
I think the reason it seems the WWII generation was willing to sacrifice is that they had just come out of the Great Depression. They were used to sacrifice. Now, not so much.
No edit button, so the correction is: mild provolone!