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BLTs here.
We cooked pork chops and potatoes on the grill, and also had asparagus and a tossed salad.
Mike, you're right to look for a "good" place for catnip! It can be invasive. I've been pulling it up for 3 years since our cat passed, and it's still coming up.
That all sounds very promising BakerAunt! Fun cooking and eating later this summer. I love gardening experiments. I have snow peas and cukes plant seeds growing in hanging baskets off the deck. So far, they're looking healthy. In the deck planters, green beans looking good, about 6" tall now. Beets and 2nd planting of bok choi and Little Gem lettuce just sprouting. The "old" lettuce and spinach is still producing well. The cherry tomato has blossoms, and I am plotting ways to stop Chippy from devouring them. In the main garden, with the electric fence, we have 6 Early Girl tomatoes (Celebrity, which is my go-to, is sold out in this area) and 6 Amish paste tomatoes, 6 each bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, plus 4 hills each of summer squash, zucchini, Delicata, Spaghetti, Butternut and Buttercup squash. The bobcat was back in the yard this morning; thankfully, I believe he is carnivorous. My blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are loaded with blossoms and/or young fruit. Only two of our three apple trees had blossoms, which is still better than last year after the 17* frost on May 24. Today it was 85* and we watered everything.
We had egg salad sandwiches and barbeque flavored potato chips tonight. It's part of our "quick meal" dinner rotation.
Today made a new recipe for "Cowboy Cookies", which includes oatmeal, coconut, pecans (I used walnuts), and chocolate chips. They are just OK, but not great. I think the chocolate overwhelms the flavors of the coconut and nuts. I'm sure my husband will love them! But I'll not be making them again - there are too many great cookies recipes waiting to be made.
Pizza here!
I marinated chicken thighs which my husband cooked on the grill along with roasting potatoes. We also had the last of the garden's asparagus and a green salad with lettuce and spinach from a planter on the deck. Today I planted Early Girl and Amish paste tomatoes in the garden.
Tonight we had baked haddock, ramen noodles, and asparagus.
That looks so yummy, Joan. Carrot cake is my favorite.
I had a hamburg patty and a tomato.
My last cat (of 19 years) did not get up on the counters except to watch the asparagus (and only asparagus, not other veggies/foods) going round and round in the microwave. Jus waiting for it to be done so he could have his share. And he'd snag it off the plate if you didn't feed it to him fast enough. He did not eat human food, except for asparagus and tuna juice - only the juice, not tuna fish.
Dinner tonight was assorted salads: leftover potato salad; spinach with mushrooms, bacon, red onion; bowties with spinach, black olives, goat cheese; and deviled eggs.
We had chicken sausage with grilled peppers and onions on burger buns.
Oh, yes, there is a huge difference between farm/home and commercial eggs. I love the eggs a friend often gifts me. I prefer to use them poached, or egg salad - some way I can appreciate the bright orange color. That orange does not show up well in a baked item! Of course, I do keep close tabs on the sizing -- home-grown range from mini to extra large within a one dozen container! Large eggs at the grocery were 2.55 last week! But I already had 3 dozen from my friend.