What are you Cooking the Week of September 1, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      Tonight is probably leftovers and/or tomato-and-something night. The tomato season won't last forever, gotta enjoy it while I can.

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      Joan Simpson

        I had bacon, eggs and raisin toast. I like popcorn and tried Aldi's brand of movie theatre popcorn and it's a winner.Just as good as Orville Redenbacher's.

        Mike Nolan

          I took the two chicken thighs left over from the other day, warmed them, spooned some tomato sauce on top, added a slice of tomato and topped that with a slice of swiss cheese, then melted the cheese under the broiler.

          Sort of a cross between chicken cacciatore and a tuna melt. 🙂

          Very tasty, too.


            I cooked some pork tenderloin on the bbq grill, had it with pasta, green beans and carrot.


              Our green bean plants have been producing again, while my husband was not looking, so some beans were fatter than optimal. However, I still used them to make our favorite Green Bean, Cherry Tomato, and Feta salad for dinner on Sunday. We had it with leftover roasted chicken thighs, and the last two ears of corn.

              Mike Nolan

                I made a keto fudge yesterday using a recipe I found online, but it isn't setting well, so it's more like a spoon fudge. But I think it'll heat up decently for hot fudge sauce.

                Followup: Not quite hot fudge, but pretty good and 3.5 carbs per serving. (And it'd be fewer carbs if I used the Guittard Sante chips, which I haven't found locally yet; I found ones that were similar at Target, just a little higher in carbs.)

                Joan Simpson

                  I had a repeat of breakfast...Bacon,eggs and raisin toast.


                    On Monday, I cut up, tossed with olive oil, and roasted some of the potatoes my husband harvested from our two plants. We had it with the leftover roasted chicken thighs and most of the rest of the green bean, tomato, and feta salad.


                      On Labor Day, my daughter hosted the annual family corn roast, for which I made a bean salad. I also mixed up a batch of Gael's Saturday Focaccia (KAF) and transported to her kitchen where I "supervised" her husband learning about the characteristics of risen and ready to use dough. We sprinkled the oiled top with The Works. It came out perfectly!

                      Joan Simpson

                        I had a banana sandwich and chips and salsa.... some combination lol but that's what I wanted.


                          Sounds like a balanced dinner to me, Joan--fruit/vegetable and grains!

                          I made yogurt on Tuesday. For dinner, I made black-eyed peas with mixed brown and wild rice and ham. We are enjoying the cooler weather, but it is not predicted to last.

                          Mike Nolan

                            I haven't had a banana sandwich in years. When I was very young (around 6), there was a family from England trying to establish a farm outside of town, and we'd go out there on Sundays to visit. Their barn always had a bunch of farm cats that were very friendly, and they had the usual assortment of barnyard creatures, including a goat and sheep. (Eventually they decided they couldn't make a go of farming and moved back to England, we used to get Christmas cards from them every year.)

                            But at 4PM, everything came to a full stop for tea. They always served tea with milk, I still drink it that way though lately I've been using cream because it is more keto-friendly. As one of the characters in "The Great Escape" said, "Tea without milk is just so uncivilized."

                            They also served some sandwiches, but the only ones I remember were the banana sandwiches, mashed banana mixed with butter and spread on bread. Yum. (Elvis would have been disappointed - no peanut butter.)

                            I used to make them for our first son, the second one didn't care for them.

                            Mike Nolan

                              We had the 2nd half of the pizza for dinner tonight.

                              Joan Simpson

                                Mike my banana sandwich is just bananas sliced the long way with mayonnaise we like canned pineapple sandwiches the same, just mayonnaise .I have smeared the banana sandwich with peanut butter and mayonnaise too.


                                  I like a peanut butter-banana, with drizzle of honey, on wholegrain bread sandwich. I developed a taste for it when I was a student at UCLA and if I were in a situation where I needed to grab lunch, the "Walter Wheatbunny," as it was called, always hit the spot.

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