What are you Cooking the Week of June 30, 2024?

Home Forums Cooking — (other than baking) What are you Cooking the Week of June 30, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      No ideas for supper yet, possibly burgers on the grill. High here today is supposed to be 78.

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      Joan Simpson

        I had chicken, sliced tomatoes with blue cheese.It's 93* here today.


          We grilled chicken thighs and ate broccoli and winter squash from the freezer.

          Mike Nolan

            We had tuna melt on the L'Oven Fresh keto bread. Dinner was 9 net carbs. 🙂


              For lunch on Sunday, I made a frittata, in part to use up some asparagus that I had not gotten to as early as I would have liked. It was a remarkably cool day, with a high of 69 F, so I tossed the asparagus with olive oil and a couple of mushrooms, sprinkled the mixture with garlic powder, and roasted it, adding Penzey's Sunny Paris at the end. That went into the frittata, along with two small potatoes, some green onion, an orange bell pepper, and goat cheese. I used my farmers market eggs. I have leftovers for lunch for the next three days. I really like the Staub 8 ½-inch skillet that I bought, in part, for making frittatas. I am also envisioning using it for small pizzas.

              I made my fifth and last batch of Black Raspberry Jam. It was a wonderful season this year. Some lucky friends and family will receive a jar each, and we will still have plenty for ourselves.

              For Sunday dinner, I made Sourdough Pan pizza with the usual fixings of sauce made from a can of fire-roasted tomatoes and garlic, Canadian bacon, mozzarella, mushrooms, red bell pepper, green onion, and Greek olives on mine. I grated Parmesan over it when it came out of the oven.


                For dinner tonight, I had chicken salad made from the rotisserie chicken I bought on Friday. I put the carcass in the freezer to make stock at a later date. I had that with lettuce and avocado. I also roasted some mini peppers and ate some of those as well with some pimento cheese which I also made today. You can tell it was a day off 😄

                Mike Nolan

                  Our black raspberry season is winding down as well, I forgot to pick yesterday and there were only a handful of berries worth picking today, a number of them had dried out.


                    I cooked pork tenderloin on the grill. Had it with green beans and carrots and macaroni.

                    Joan Simpson

                      Your supper sounds good Len. I had a hamburger on bread with corn on the cob and sliced tomatoes.


                        We had the tuna-zucchini pasta again, but we added a side of microwaved fresh broccoli.


                          I had leftover pork tenderloin, mashed potato, brussels sprouts and carrot.

                          Mike Nolan

                            We had BLTs tonight


                              Last night we had salmon patties on burger buns, with veggies on the side. I used some dill-zucchini relish I made last summer mixed with mayo to make tartar sauce.

                              Joan Simpson

                                I had a hamburger with corn on the cob and pickle spears.


                                  We ate the rest of the sourdough pan pizza.

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