What are you Baking the week of February 10, 2019?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are you Baking the week of February 10, 2019?

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      Husband came home from rehab facility on Oct. 20 and he has been making good progress these past four months. We have had home therapy where we had nurses, physical therapists ad occupational therapists come to our home to do his sessions. He was discharged last Wed. from occupational therapy and discharged Feb. 1 from physical therapy.

      We still do all of his exercises each day to keep his strength up. They recommend outpatient therapy now where they will have machines and equipment to help him make further gains. We have a rehab facility 8 miles from us. The owner has a PhD in physical therapy and eight years experience so we hope to get him in there soon.

      He is so glad to be home...says it was constant noise and something going on all the time and it is quiet here at home.

      He enjoys a trip now and then for groceries or to watch bald eagles and snow geese at a lake nearby.

      We need some nice warm days so he can go outside and do his walking and enjoy the scenery. Winter has been a long one for us!


        So good to hear all this! I've heard medical folks saying the healing is faster when the patient is home and comfortable and happy.

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