What are you Baking the Week of August 18, 2024?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are you Baking the Week of August 18, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      Not sure I'll be doing any baking today, though its cool and rainy.

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        For breakfast on Sunday, I made my favorite Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins, which used up the rest of the five pounds of berries that I bought at the farmers market a few weeks ago.

        While the muffins were baking, I mixed up Icelandic Rye Bread, a recipe which appeared in the latest King Arthur catalog. I had hoped that the "cocktail" bread pan, of which I have a set, would work for the recipe. As it turns out, there is significant difference between a 12.5 x 2.75 x 2.5 pan like mine and the 13.75 x 2.5 x 2.75 pan that USA now makes and King Arthur sells. A certain amount of batter escaped over the sides and onto the pan and the oven floor, despite being weighted down. I was able to get the batter off the oven floor before it burned on, and the pan needed a good soak to clean it. The Icelandic Rye Bread is interesting. I had Lyle's Golden Syrup (I think it was picked up at T.J. Maxx at one time), so I used that instead of the combination of honey and molasses that King Arthur substitutes. I like the bread, but my husband and I find it too sweet. If I were to bake it again, after having first acquired the correct pan size--I would cut back the syrup from 2/3 to ½ cup. We used slices for open face chicken salad sandwiches, and it drowned out the dill, which is usually foremost, and to some extent, the green onion. I can see why people would like it with an assertive topping.

        I did my baking in the early morning with windows open and the vent fan to get the heat out. Although we had pop up showers throughout the day, the humidity made it feel hotter than I would expect just looking at the cloudiness.

        Joan Simpson

          Today I baked two loaves of banana bread and a German chocolate cake for my brother-in-law that lives in Monticello Florida. I will take that to him tomorrow. I should've piped the edging around the top to keep the pecan coconut topping from slide over but oh well it is what it is. It'll still be good.


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            I love German Chocolate Cake, and Joan, your looks great.

            I made a batch of sandwich/burger buns this afternoon.


              I baked a peach cobbler this morning, and did a taste test as soon as it came out of the oven! It is delicious. I used KAF's Spoon Bread recipe as a guide, but I really wanted something with a thick "sauce", not just runny juice from the peaches. So I simply added a tablespoon of flour to the sugar the peaches marinated in for a half hour, and it came out just as I hoped.

              Joan Simpson

                Chocomouse I do love some peach cobbler.

                Thanks Len for the comments on the cake.


                  Unfortunately, I made the peach cobbler in a 9 x 9 pan - and there is only one piece left this morning! It was excellent when fresh out of the oven, but by evening, not so great. The cakey park had absorbed most of the sauce, and was a gloppy mess. It still tasted good, but the texture was not good. Sorry I could not share with you Joan - but I do love German chocolate cake, and I can almost taste your frosting.


                    With German Chocolate Cake, it's ALL about the frosting, even though we admire Joan's artful presentation! Now, if we could just taste it!


                      On Wednesday, I baked Bittersweet Blackberry Brownies, using some of the frozen seeded blackberry puree that I froze last month. It will rest overnight in the refrigerator, since the flavor needs to develop a day in advance.

                      I also baked Whole Wheat Sourdough Cheese Crackers from the dough I made last week.


                        BA are your cocktail bread pans the same ones that used to come in different shapes ie round , star shaped and maybe square? They had a top too. I still have these unused pans. Since it is hard to find cocktail bread now I'm thinking that maybe this rye bread recipe would work in one of those.


                          Navlys--one of those pans would be too small. However, if you have at least three, the recipe might fit. I also own the set of three different shapes, and I acquired a fourth one at a sale somewhere. I, too, have yet to try them, but I did save the recipe that King Arthur had developed for the pans, and one of these days I will try it.

                          The recipe for Icelandic Rye Bread must have a pan that is 13.75 " long, and has the width and depth specified. Mine, alas was not long enough. If I am remembering the length of those shaped pans (6 or 7 inches?), I'm pretty sure that at least three would be needed, probably filling them no more than 75% full.


                            We used up the last loaf of bread for lunch on Thursday, so I baked three loaves of Whole Wheat Oat Bran Bread. I had been thinking of trying another recipe from the recent King Arthur catalog, but we have hot weather slated to arrive this weekend and into next week, so I want two loaves in the freezer, even though it is crowded, so I will not have to bake bread next week.

                            I also baked Spiced Rye Ginger Cookies, a King Arthur oil cookie recipe that I love. My only changes to that recipe are to add 1 Tbs. milk powder and to halve the salt. Using a #40 Zeroll scoop, I always get 25 cookies per recipe.


                              Today I baked a blueberry coffee cake; going to cut into it as soon as I post this!

                              Joan Simpson

                                I had some of the frosting leftover so I made a little more and made German Chocolate for the poker game tonight. I was so aggravated my cake cooling rack stuck to my cake and tore both middles out but it's Ok


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                                  Oh, Joan, I hate it when that happens! However, with enough frosting, no one will ever know! 🙂

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