The Monthly Recipe Challenge

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      Yes, Navlys. That is what I plan to do. I think that choosing a recipe that fits our nutritional needs, and that the people we cook and bake for can or will eat, is the way to go. We will cover a variety of recipes that way, and get good feedback from each other.


        I made the sour cream raisin muffins, a half order. I followed the recipe pretty close but using light sour cream. I used the full amount of coffee granules and spices. My raisin count was a little short because I used up the contents of an open box and didn't want to open another one just to make up the little difference. I added some mini chocolate chips just because everything is better with chocolate. Finally, I sprinkled a little maple sugar on top just prior to popping them in the oven.

        Fresh from the oven, they taste good. The cloves dominate the other spices but it's not objectionable. Still, I think the cloves could be cut back a little. The coffee flavor is in the background. If I make these again I will reduce the coffee by half. The raisins go very well in the muffins. The muffins are sticking to the cupcake papers something terrible, probably due to the low fat content. If I do these again I will either grease the tins and skip the papers or give the papers a shot with cooking spray.

        Overall, provided you like raisins in muffins, it's worth giving a try.


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        Mike Nolan

          I made them today, too, as mini-muffins. Using a #60 scoop, the yield was 35 muffins, so they come out at about 10.9 carbs (10.4 net) and 59 calories each.

          Changes made: I left out the coffee, cut the clove to 1/8 teaspoon, and increased the cinnamon to 3/4 teaspoon.

          I can tell it has clove, but it isn't overpowering, might even be possible to increase it to 1/4 teaspoon.

          As mini-muffins they took about 25 minutes to bake in a silicone pan.



          Diane's reaction was typical for her: needs more cinnamon. She also agrees that I could have used 1/4 teaspoon of clove instead of 1/8 and maybe cut back on the raisins a little, and possibly the oatmeal, both changes that would help the carb count a little. If I had used a #70 scoop, I would probably have gotten more like 45-48 muffins..

          I left the second set in about 5 minutes longer (oven turned off) they're a bit darker on the outside as a result, and the surface has a little crunch to it. (I put the first set back in a cooling oven to crisp up a bit later on, too, something I often do with banana nut mini-muffins.)

          I wonder how they'd be if I subbed in some brown sugar?

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          Joan Simpson

            I made the muffins today. I went by the recipe the only thing I did different was I heated my raisins in a tablespoon of orange liquor.I sprayed the liners with cooking spray, I got 12 nice muffins and the taste is very good not too sweet. They kinda remind me of the Baby Food cake we use to bake in the 70's. I'm going to share them with my sister in law.Mine was done before the time was up.Good recipe Len!



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            Joan Simpson

              IMG_1389Sorry Mike of the double photo delete one

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              Joan Simpson

                Mike with your calorie count for the muffins you made , if I multiply that number by the calories to get a total then divide by 12- I come up with 172 calories per muffin that I made .Is that right?

                35x 59=2065.........12 = 172.

                Mike Nolan

                  Here's what I posted on October 8th, you're within roundoff limits:

                  Unmodified, it comes out per muffin (yield of 12) as:

                  31.8 total carbs, 1.5 fiber, 30.3 net carbs
                  4.1 grams protein
                  3.4 grams fat
                  171 calories

                  Joan Simpson

                    Thanks Mike.

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