The Anatomy of a Bell Pepper

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  • #33613
    Mike Nolan

      Found this link on another site (a photography one, of all places), and thought folks might find it worth reading:
      Anatomy of a Bell Pepper

      I can't speak to its scientific accuracy, though.

      Spread the word
      Joan Simpson

        I agree with him the female is sweeter to eat.

        Mike Nolan

          This page says male and female pepper fruits don't exist, though male and female parts of flowers do exist.

          peppers info

          I have a book on knife skills (Knife Skills Illustrated by Peter Hertzm), it recommends cutting the top and bottom off bell peppers, then slitting it so you can open it into a somewhat rectangular form. Cut off the innards and the pith that connects the innards to the shell (I have a looped Exacto blade that I use for this, although sometimes I use a bird's beak knife), and then you can cut it into even strips or dice it. You can dice the bottom and cut off the useable parts of the top and dice them as well, just make sure you get the pith out of the top, it is bitter.

          I've been told that one of the differences between home cooks and professional kitchens is that in a professional kitchen a bell pepper is almost always roasted over an open flame briefly to char the outside before it is cut up, that allows the somewhat chewy transparent outermost layer to be peeled off.

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