Tahini in Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Home Forums Baking — Desserts Tahini in Chocolate Chip Cookies?

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      I came across this interesting take on chocolate chip cookies: add tahini. I have some tahini in the refrigerator, maybe it's worth a try.

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      • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by BakerAunt.
      Mike Nolan

        David Lebovitz's recipes are pretty reliable and usually pretty good, too. His recipe for chocolate macarons is the best macaron recipe I've tried. He gave two fillings, one that was an 'ordinary' chocolate ganache and one that also used pureed prunes. I thought the latter was awesome!

        When I was in college, a Jewish friend introduced me to halva, which is kind of an acquired taste.


          I'll try the tahini cookies. We usually have some in the fridge as we make humus on a regular basis. Never would have thought about it for chocolate chip cookies.

          I'm with Mike. Halva is definitely an acquired taste that I never acquired.


            I loved Halva and ate it frequently until I saw the calories in one bar!!!! So if you didn't acquire a taste for it good for you.

            Mike Nolan

              28 grams of halva - 133 calories. 4.75 calories/gram

              39 grams of Hersheys Chocolate - 214 calories. 5.49 calories/gram

              Now, would I rather eat halva or a Hershey bar? Definitely the latter!

              BTW, 15 grams of tahini has 89 calories, or 5.93 calories/gram. (But I'm not sure a low-calorie chocolate chip cookie makes any sense, or would taste good.)


                I used to eat 1 8oz bar and it is 133 calories per oz. according to what I found on line.

                Mike Nolan

                  8 ounces of nearly any kind of candy is going to be a lot of calories. Halva is basically nuts (sesame seeds) and honey, calories and more calories.


                    I baked these cookies this evening, after making up the dough last night. I had to let the dough soften before I could scoop it. On heavy baking sheets, they needed to bake for 18 minutes, and they must be well-spaced, as they spread. Definitely sprinkle a bit of salt on top when they come out of the oven. After eating a warm one, I can report that they are superb.

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