2025 Gardens

Home Forums Gardening 2025 Gardens

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  • #45488
    Mike Nolan

      Time for a new thread for 2025 garden planning and updates. I've hit several of the places that sell seed in Lincoln but haven't found all the tomato varieties I'm hoping to plant this year yet. No rush yet, I usually start the seeds the last week in March. The ones I can't find locally I'll have to order by mail. (I also want to get some white eggplant seeds, I grew some of those a few years ago and they were fun to watch grow and we even ate some. My wife love the look of eggplants when they're growing, but isn't fond of eating them, so we gave most of them away.) I also need to order leek plants from Johnny's.

      I may change what I'm using for a seed starter tray, but I'd like something that will fit in a standard 10x20 gardening tray. I saw a nice 50-compartment one, but it was 11x21.

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      Mike Nolan

        I started seeds for 12 different varieties of tomatoes, (6 of them that I have not grown before) and 2 varieties of eggplant (purple and white) under the grow lights today.

        The 12 tomato varieties are:
        Celebration (New)
        Super Sauce (New)
        Delicious (New)
        Purple (New)
        Estiva (New)
        4th of July
        Defiant (New for outdoors but I have two growing in the hydroponic garden)
        Amish Paste
        Italian Roma (New)
        Italian Heirloom

        The Purple one is one my older son found and gave me for Christmas, I don't know if he's grown it in his garden or not. (But purple and white are Northwestern's colors.)

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