My pancakes don’t bubble…

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      I make pancakes and waffles almost every Sunday. Anytime I've read a recipe for pancakes it always says to wait until the begin to bubble before flipping. But my pancakes never bubble. They are cooked all the weigh through and light but they never bubble. I cook them on a cast iron griddle. I've learned when to flip them without the bubbles. Should I worry?

      My recipe is as follows

      2 1/4 cups milk (usually skim)
      2 large eggs
      4 tbls melted butter
      1 tbl vanilla

      2 1/4 cups KAF pastry flour (not the blend)
      1/4 cup ground flax meal
      8 tbls powdered butter milk
      2 tbls sugar
      1 tbl baking powder
      1 tsp baking soda
      1/2 tsp salt (usually kosher)


      Spread the word

        If they are the taste and texture you prefer, then don't worry about the lack of "bubbles."

        I seem to recall reading something from KAF that wholegrain pancakes will not "bubble" and are to be turned when the edges are set. However, your recipe does not appear to have any wholegrain, just the ground flax meal.


          I make some pancakes that don't bubble, but right now, I can't recall which ones. When that happens, Aaron, I look for the top of the pancake batter to start to look dry. That works every time . . . for my pan and stovetop.


            I make the KA Homemade Whole Grain Pancake mix and they never bubble. I just keep an eye out on the dryness of the top before flipping. They do come out quite fluffy and light especially if I remember to use the "lemon sour milk" instead of regular soy milk or lactose free milk.

            Mike Nolan

              I'm not the pancake expert, but I've thought that thicker batter generally doesn't bubble, but if you're happy with the pancakes, don't worry about whether or not they bubble.


                I haven't really worried too much. I keep using my recipe and just flip them when they are firm. But I wanted to check with the experts.

                I did add a little white whole wheat flour this weekend to see if there were any complaints and everything was eaten. So it will be a little bit more healthful from now on.


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