What are you Cooking the Week of September 8, 2024?

Home Forums Cooking — (other than baking) What are you Cooking the Week of September 8, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      Possibly having smoked pork chops for supper, with some home-made apple butter, and a salad.

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      Joan Simpson

        I had a chicken sandwich and chips.

        Mike Nolan

          We had a social gathering with appetizers and it turned out there were enough things we could eat (though not extremely carb-friendly) that we didn't do the pork chops tonight, maybe tomorrow.


            For my dinner tonight, I had a bowl of Greek vanilla yogurt with a generous handful of frozen blueberries added to it.


              We finished the turkey-zucchini loaf and had an ear of corn each. Tomorrow, I shall cook anew.


                I had some bbq pork tenderloin from the freezer, green beans and carrot, and some pasta.


                  My neighbor gave me some figs from her tree so I made a pork tenderloin recipe with figs that I had saved from years back. Today's recipes are rated which is helpful but most of them are written to advertise some product or tool. I find my older recipes more reliable.

                  Joan Simpson

                    I had a salami sandwich with chips and an ear of corn.It hasn't rained today but it has been really cool and windy.


                      Navlys--that recipe sounds delicious. My mother was quite fond of figs, but I have never cooked with them.

                      I made a frittata for lunch on Monday, using potatoes, green onion, red bell pepper, and mushrooms. I cut it into quarters and will warm those up for lunch for the next three days.

                      I took advantage on Monday of what will be the last cool day for several days to roast a chicken for dinner. I also made our favorite green bean, cherry tomato, and feta salad. (I am now leaving out the black-eyed peas that I was using in lieu of the chickpeas my husband cannot digest.) While the green bean plants in the garden keep on giving, our cherry tomatoes have slowed down, so I supplemented with a colorful mix of cherry tomatoes that I bought at the farmers market this weekend. We also had an ear of corn each.

                      Mike Nolan

                        We did have the smoked pork chops tonight, with some of my apple butter from last fall and a salad.


                          Smoked pork chops and apple butter sound like a winning combination, Mike.


                            I made a pizza in a pan. The dough was 45% each semolina and white whole wheat, 10% AP (I put in a little AP just because I have some that I want to use up) hydrated at 65%. The topping were a little pepperoni and some bbq pork tenderloin I had in the freezer. A salad rounded it out. I have enough left for tonight's dinner.


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                            Joan Simpson

                              Pizza looks great Len!
                              I had 2 hotdogs with sauerkraut.


                                We are re-running last night's dinner, which is doubly a good thing. First, I did not need to cook today. Second, we spent 6:10-6:45 dealing with a gas leak at our neighbor's house. It turned out to be propane. The grill had not been turned off after it was used yesterday. The neighbors were not at home at the time, so we called the gas company's emergency line. The worker who showed up identified it quickly as propane, which explains why the odor was not exactly what we associate with gas. The worker also checked the grill at the next door over, and it was leaking propane as well, as the valve had not been shut all the way. My husband apologized for the call, but the gas employee responder said that they get a lot of these calls. Given that propane is even more inflammable than regular heating/cooking gas, calling them was the right thing to do.

                                So, we are about to eat a late dinner, but except for cooking the rest of the corn, the salad is already made, and we will have the chicken cold.

                                Joan Simpson

                                  I had a rotisserie chicken sandwich and yogurt.

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