The Chicago Tribune has an article (available to subscribers only) on a Chicago restaurant that is doing deep dish pizza bagels, a take on the classic Chicago deep dish pizza. They call the shape a 'bagel dough cup', boiled and baked then filled with sauce and baked a second time. Sounds interesting to try.
They also make what they call daisy dogs, sort of a spin on pigs in a blanket. They cut a Vienna Beef hot dog (sigh!) into six pieces and wrap them in bagel dough. I don't know if they boil them before baking them (probably), but they sprinkle them with poppy seeds before baking them.
And they use what they call 'Chicago Sauce' on the daisy dogs, which is a sauce made by a Chicago company that has all 7 of the classic ingredients on a Chicago hot dog: Mustard, day-glow green relish, pickles, onions, tomato wedges, celery salt, and sport peppers. I need to get some of that!