What are you Cooking the Week of July 14, 2024?

Home Forums Cooking — (other than baking) What are you Cooking the Week of July 14, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      I've got keto-friendly ice cream ready to be churned today, no idea what we're having for supper yet but we've got multiple protein options.

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      Joan Simpson

        I had rotisserie chicken, salad with tomatoes, cheese and crackers.


          I picked two quarts of blackberries in our woodlands on Sunday morning and was on my way to filling a third when a thunderstorm arrived, forcing a hasty retreat. I seeded enough blackberries for a quart of puree and made three 8 oz. and one 4 oz. jars of blackberry jam. Maybe it is because I seed the fruit, but I never get as much as I do when I make the black raspberry jam. I have a quart of blackberries still and plan to go back and pick more tomorrow and make more jam.

          For dinner, I made a farro stir-fry using the rest of the chicken breast meat I cooked last week. The sauteed vegetables were celery, green onion, red bell pepper, mushrooms, kale, and zucchini. I cooked the farro in chicken broth. I used Penzey's Justice blend, which is what I use on the bone-in chicken breasts. It is just enough that my husband does not complain and even enjoys the spice blend. There is enough for one more meal.

          Mike Nolan

            Supper tonight was tuna salad, mine on lettuce with a small tomato from the garden, and a small bowl of the keto-friendly vanilla ice cream (1 carb per scoop) I made, which was very good but needs to harden off a bit more, and topped with some home-made 'hot fudge' sauce that was more like a chocolate sauce but still under 5 carbs. (The candymaker in me suspects you can't make hot fudge without heating at least part of the mixture to about 235 degrees, and this was done on a double boiler and never got over 150.)


              Our dinner tonight was grilled salmon with a maple glaze, green beans and a cucumber from the deck, and cole slaw.


                I picked another four quarts of blackberries in our woodlands on Monday. There are still a lot out there. I seeded enough to make another batch of jam. I also froze enough of deseeded blackberry for two recipes of the Bittersweet Blackberry Brownies. I refrigerated the rest of the berries and will deal with them tomorrow.

                I'm going to look around online at devices that might make it easier for me to remove the blackberry seeds. It also has to be easy to clean and set up.

                Dinner tonight was the rest of the black-eyed peas with rice and ham, along with some microwaved broccoli. We also had cantaloupe from a local farm stand at the edge of town.

                Mike Nolan

                  Tonight I had a ham sandwich on the keto rye bread I made last week, I put most of it in the freezer but put some slices in the refrigerator, where they softened a bit. I also had a small salad. Diane had a ham-and-cheese omelet.

                  I also had a scoop of the ice cream I made yesterday, it had hardened up a bit more overnight and was even better today than yesterday. Because it was made with a lot of cream, it is very rich, one of the best vanilla ice creams I've had in years, and under 2 carbs.

                  Joan Simpson

                    Tonight I had chicken, a large salad with tomato, cheese and croutons and bacon and some of the dessert I made last week in the jars.It's held up really good.

                    Mike , BakerAunt and Chocomouse all y'alls food sounds so good 🙂

                    Joan Simpson

                      Tonight I had breakfast for supper...sausage, eggs, hash browns and a roll.


                        Tonight we had grilled kielbasa, peppers, and onions on buns, hot, spicy mustard.

                        Mike Nolan

                          We had salads, Diane had tuna on hers and I had leftover chicken on mine.


                            I had pasta (rotini) with meat sauce and a crispy salad. There is something satisfying about pasta with a salad.


                              Tuesday's dinner was leftover farro stir-fry and more cantaloupe.

                              I checked the seals on my jam, and one of the three 8 oz. jars did not seal. The lid was stuck on, but the lid depressed and sprung back, so I put it in the refrigerator to eat now. The other 4 oz. jar did seal. That is the second failure to seal this year. I know that the first one was caused by forgetting to wipe the rim of the jar, but I do not know what caused this one.

                              Mike Nolan

                                The two primary causes are something on the rim and improper head space (too much or too little can both cause a failure to seal.) I've had one that was caused by a defective lid, so now I do look at the lids before using them.


                                  Dinner tonight was grilled boneless pork chops, beet greens with tiny baby beets, and roasted summer squash and zucchini.

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