The Quest for Medium Granulated Kasha

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      I recently bought a copy of Dorie's Cookies, by Dorie Greenspan. I have wanted it for some time, but I waited until AFTER we had moved. (My husband still mutters about the weight of my books.) It looks like a great cookbook, with a picture for every recipe. I was particularly delighted to see buckwheat cookies. However, in addition to buckwheat flour, three of the four recipes also call for medium granulated kasha, and so far, I've struck out at finding it locally. She specifies Wolff's. Possibly I looked in the wrong place in the stores--cereals and the "specialized health" sections. I know it was not with grains in Walmart, but possibly I missed it there in the other stores, since I was looking among cereals. (I initially failed to find polenta locally because I didn't realize that the stores stock it with hot cereal.) I will have to wait on these three recipes until I can locate it.

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      Mike Nolan

        I've resigned myself to the fact that there are ingredients just that have to be ordered online, pastry flour, for example. (All I can find locally is whole wheat pastry flour, which I am not impressed with.) I can't find semolina locally any more, either. (The co-op used to stock it in bulk but dropped it.)

        WalMart's selection often leaves a lot to be desired. I buy some items there because of price, but even then the local chains often beat them on the basics, especially if you watch for the sales.


          BakerAunt, I adore kasha☺, grew up eating it. If any of the local grocers have a Kosher section, that's probably where you'd find it. Other than that, I suppose online ordering would be your only other option. Best of luck!


            So where are your all favorite places to order from.


              We probably need a separate thread listing places for ordering specialty products.

              Ah, I didn't realize that there is a section called "sources." Thanks, Mike.

              • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by BakerAunt.

                Laura--it's good to see you popping in again!

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