Scoring bread

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    Mike Nolan

      Chatham University is running an online course on scoring bread, and I'm already registered for it:

      Scoring Bread

      Spread the word

        After months of suggestions for making and using starter I now receive at least a couple "scoring" lesson suggestions a day. I think a lot of people are asking for that now.

        Mike Nolan

          Chatham is also running a course in April on using stencils and dyes to decorate breads. I'm thinking of taking that one, too.

          I saw an example of a bread that was shaped as a boule and then scissors were used to cut a fancy pattern in it, probably beyond my limited artistic skills, though.


            Will has been working on his scoring - I mentioned the class, but he’ll keep following his free sources. He gets upset with me for paying for resources I think are helpful - though I do it sparingly

            He did a really good job on his last loaf - good oven spring

            • This reply was modified 4 years ago by cwcdesign.
            Mike Nolan

              I haven't done any of the BBGA online courses yet, they're a suggested fee of $125, and I think that's a bit steep for less than a half-day of online training, especially since I'm a hands-on learning person. But if Debra Wink does her sourdough class online, I'd probably take that one. (I was scheduled to go to Texas for her two day seminar on sourdough when Covid started cancelling everything.)


                Do you have a lame? I've been using single edge razor blades. I'm sure you have more control with a lame.

                Mike Nolan

                  I've tried several lames, the one I like best is a holder for a double-edge razor blade that I got at SFBI, but most of the time I wind up using a 7 inch knife.

                  I've been tempted to buy a surgeon's bistoury, but I really think the problem isn't the blade, it's the dough. Some days it slices beautifully, other days with the same dough recipe it is like slicing peanut butter, it stick to everything.

                  I'm going to try a different way of proofing my doughs, I bought a plastic storage box that fits over my 3/4 sheet pans, that way I don't have to cover them with plastic wrap and I can use some hot water to raise the humidity, a bit more like a professional proofing cabinet.


                    I treated myself a couple of years ago to the Zatoba, which is the wooden handled holder with screws to hold the razor blade that King Arthur was selling.

                    I agree with Mike that the dough often seems to be the issue on any given day. I am also a timid slasher and am trying to be more of an aggressive one.

                    I've been using the top of my long cake/cupcake holder to cover longer loaves while they rise. I never had much luck with saran, as it would stick to the dough and deflate it, although I did try spraying the saran to prevent it, and that helped.


                      In the past I've used a big rectangular tupperware to cover bread but for many, many years now I boil some water in a measuring cup in the microwave and then put the dough in the microwave and close the door. It's a nice steamy sauna for the bread. No saran wrap.


                        When I make sandwich/burger buns, I use my USA lasagna pan as a proofing box for all the reasons that Mike stated. In fact, I bought the pan specifically for that purpose.


                          I bought this lame for Will from KAF
                          He first tried the curved blade, but quickly realized the flat one was better for a beginner. He's still learning but did a really good job on his last loaf - part of what he's learned is the importance of the "skin" being taut.

                          With the warmth and humidity around here, even things that take a long time tend to rise pretty quickly, so we have not had to resort to creating proofing boxes like we did in Massachusetts.


                            Here is a photo of the two breads Will baked this morning after scoring with the KAF lame I mentioned above


                            • This reply was modified 4 years ago by cwcdesign.
                            • This reply was modified 4 years ago by cwcdesign.
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                            Joan Simpson

                              Give a high 5 to Will,the round boules look wonderful Cwcdesign!


                                Wow!! Will's breads look great! Love the designs. Good job!


                                  Those loaves and their scoring look great!

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