Restaurant banning kids, a new trend?

Home Forums Restaurants and Books, news and reviews Restaurant banning kids, a new trend?

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  • #7103
    Mike Nolan

      Here's an article in the Washington Post:

      Restaurant bans kids

      Since announcing the ban, reservations have gone up at this restaurant, and I suspect that's becoming more commonplace.

      I don't think this trend has made it to Nebraska yet.

      I no longer have young kids and even our granddaughter is 10 now. But the apparently underlying premise, that parents no longer take the effort to control their children in a public place, like a restaurant, is controversial.

      Spread the word

        I can see how a couple that gets a babysitter and goes out for a nice dinner might not be happy with rambunctious children at the next table. Parents should think about whether a specific setting is age or behavior appropriate for their children. If a child is trained with good table manners at home, it should translate to behavior in restaurants.

        I hate to see a blanket age policy, as it unfairly discriminates against children who can handle the restaurant setting. There would not need to be a rule if people would use common sense, but then, common sense is not necessarily very common.

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by BakerAunt.

          This is not new. When I lived in Seattle a number of restaurants open with tavern licenses instead of bar licenses. The differences were that taverns could only server wine and beer and no one under drinking age was allowed inside. They could keep out kids but blame it on the state. That was almost 20 years ago.

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