Online Recipes

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      Finally, after over a year of good intentions, I have organized my online recipes. I bought sheet protectors and 2 binders from the office supply store. I arranged the recipes by category, Beverages to Soup. I placed 2 recipes in each sheet protector. As soon as I finish with this break, I'll complete my project by putting the soups in order. Then, I'm never again (I hope), print off another online recipe.

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      Mike Nolan

        I have one binder for recipes I've printed that I make frequently, the rest are in magazine holders organized by category: savory, sweet and gluten-free. Ones I haven't tried yet are in a separate stack. Every now and then I go through all 4 stacks and decide if any of them need to go in the binder or the trash. I haven't done that since last spring, probably time to do it again.


          I've been sorting and tossing printed recipes for two years now! I think at this point I could just toss the two-foot tall pile I have left to go through, without looking at them, and I wouldn't regret a single recipe. I have a file cabinet drawer full of the recipes I use repeatedly, plus a few I'm pretty sure I'll use some day. I also have quite a collection in my Word recipe folder, some of which I've also printed and use often enough that they are in the file cabinet. I do also have a complete collection of KAF's Baking Sheet, in chronological order, in 5 large binders. I keep thinking one of these days I'll go through issue by issue and pick out a few to try. So many recipes, so little need for food!


            "So many recipes, so little need for food!" Chocomouse, you made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the true humor.

            My largest group of recipes is (?are?) Breakfast. That doesn't include Muffins -- they are a separate category. Next largest is Bread, and I don't really like bread. I eat it with pasta and non-meat soups. Otherwise, I steer clear of it. The Breakfast recipes will probably all be tried . . . eventually. I'd like a variety of good breakfast recipes so I can serve different breakfasts to overnight guests.

            Mike gave me an idea. I may need a third binder for the online recipes I've tried and liked.

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